Corporate Media

A Nation in Silent Anger


Can you hear that deep, silent anger inside you, pounding like a heavy iron fist on a wooden door, banging relentlessly every time you notice the America of your dreams vanish more each and every day, instead becoming a most unwelcome nightmare that you are impotent to wake up from? Can you feel the hollow pain in your bones, the restlessness running through your veins every time another freedom is gutted or another right is eviscerated, every time your government climbs one more step up the stairwell of corporatism?

Can you feel the reverberations of resentment echoing in your mind every time a politician votes to expand the power of the elitist and corporate world, once more ignoring the will of the constituency? Can you feel the frustration of being impotent to the machinations of a government once defined as of, by and for the People serving only the interests of money and becoming a government of, by and for the corporatist world?

Jim Fetzer's Three-Plus Hour Blockbuster on Greek Television, Monday 12/18

Greetings fellow 9/11 Patriots,

When I arrived at my week night job late this Monday afternoon, little did I suspect that the prime theme of the evening was not going to be pizza deliveries and tips as usual. Much to my surprise, the evening was dominated by extensive discussions about what really happened on 9/11, and watching my boss and a coworker wake up quickly and dramatically to the entire 9/11 matrix.

The pizzeria where I work is owned and operated by Greek immigrants. My boss has a TV in the kitchen which is hooked up to a satelite dish. He is able to receive the Alter Globe Greek language station, which he has on much of the time.

As soon as I walked in on Monday, he immediately called my attention to what was taking place live on Greek television. It was a panel discussion show involving several Greek journalists and broadcasters. They were asking questions from none other than our own Jim Fetzer, who was laying out his case - point by point - that 9/11 was an inside job perpetrated by elements within the U.S. government.

Operation Mockingbird - CIA owns the Media

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Operation Mockingbird

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Allegations worthy of consideration ...

From an undated analysis by Mary Louise posted at (

Mass Media Cover-Up : Top Journalist Report

Mass Media
Top Journalists Expose Major Cover-ups in Mass Media

The riveting excerpts below from the revealing accounts of 20 award-winning journalists in the highly acclaimed book Into the Buzzsaw are essential reading for all who support democracy. These courageous writers were prevented by corporate ownership of the mass media from reporting major news stories. Some were even fired. These journalists have won numerous awards, including several Emmys and a Pulitzer. Help build a brighter future by spreading this news. For a two-page summary of this mass media information, click here.

Jane Akre spent 20 years as a network and local TV reporter for news and mass media operations throughout the country. Recently, she and her husband, investigative reporter Steve Wilson, were awarded the Goldman Environmental Prize for their struggle with the story told in this chapter.