9/11 Science

Science Radio Show Host Michio Kaku Gave Michael Shermer An Unskeptical Interview

On July 16, 2013 on KPFA, Michio Kaku, "Professor of Theoretical Physics" and host of a long-standing radio show called "Exploration", gave a completely unscientific and unskeptical interview platform to Michael Shermer to discuss "The Borders of Science - Why People Believe Strange Things". Dr. Shermer is introduced as the "dean of debunkers", founder of The Skeptical Society, and a regular writer for Scientific American.

Dr Kaku lets Dr Shermer ridicule Dr Steven Jones without even mentioning a single detail of his work or his research on samples of WTC dust. What does our host do to challenge Shermer? Kaku has no informed questions for Shermer to debunk!

Paul Craig Roberts on the 9/11 10th Anniversary

GRTV talks to Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, former Assistant Treasury Secretary, former editor of the Wall Street Journal, author and researcher, about the significance of 9/11 on the brink of the tenth anniversary of those events. We discuss the many points at which the official explanation of 9/11 do not mesh with the available evidence, the many experts who have raised their voices in dissent (and been silenced), and what our response to 9/11 teaches us about where we are heading as a society.

'9/11 After A Decade: Have We Learned Anything?' by Paul Craig Roberts