Visibility 9-11 Welcomes 9-11 Blogger and Researcher Aidan Monaghan


This week Visibility 9-11 Welcomes 9-11 blogger and researcher Aidan Monaghan. Aidan is an active blogger at and has focused on using the Freedom of Information Act to get information pertinent to the 9-11 attacks and subsequent cover-up. FOIA requests initiated by Aidan have attempted to gain information about the 4 aircraft used on 9-11, information about remote control technology possibly installed on the 4 aircraft, and the reported power down at the World Trade Center in the days just prior to 9-11.

Intermission music by The DareRing.

Ending music by Syntax Band.

Direct download: visibility911_monaghan.mp3

Good interview

Thanks, and keep up the good work.

What dedicated professionals we have here.

Yes, that was a great interview Michael and Aidan, left me wanting to hear more.

Three Cheers for Mr. Monaghan !!!

My new "favorite" truther.

(I know we're not supposed to play favorites, but...)


And, when we meet the drinks are on me.

Thanks again.

Hip Hip !

Thanks for the post, too.

The truth shall set us free. Love is the only way forward.


Just glad to be on a program that has interviewed Prof. Jones and Steve Alten.