Fred Thompson Links Dem Harry Reid to 9/11 “Fringe Anti-American Elements”

Former Republican senator wannabe and part-time actor, Fred Thompson, is is set to announce his entering the race for president in 2008 by announcing candidacy in Nashville next week. There can be no doubt that a Thompson presidency would mean business as usual for the war mongers currently in power. In addition, Thompson in the White House would be extremely bad for any expectation of government cooperation from a future executive branch regarding 9/11 Truth. Thompanson's health may very well be an issue, too. Thompson, 64 years old, was diagnosed with non-Hodgkins lymphoma 2 1/2 years ago but has said the cancer is in remission.

The globalists' must be very fearful of Giuliani's continued stagnation in the polls, McCain's increasing irrelevance, and Romney's more than questionable qualifications. The fact that grassroots support for Congressman Ron Paul is showing no signs of abatement in his meteoric rise of support among Americans must scare the bejeezus out of them. Many of Paul's supporters are only just now becoming politically active. In addition, many long-time loyal liberals, who previously would be adamantly opposed to supporting a Republican candidate under any circumstances whatsoever, are finding Paul's message extremely attractive. Though currently of little concern to the globalists' due to her present lead in the polls, Hillary Clinton is increasingly facing an uphill battle to win the hearts of liberals who are stridently against a continued or possibly escalated war in the Middle East. These antiwar liberals have recently shown no hesitation to make Ms. Clinton aware of their sentiment by continuing to boo the senator at recent speeches. I laud their efforts. Dissent is indeed the highest form of patriotism.

Thompson's entering the race is clearly an attempt by the globalists to counter the unbelievable growth in support for a Ron Paul presidency by Americans who represent a wide political spectrum. For the globalists, countering Congressman Paul with Thompson, a member of the Council on Foreign Relations, may be an effective way to slow Congressman Paul's runaway freight train of support and ensure that their agenda not be stalled or even derailed entirely.

Kurt Nimmo is reporting that Thompson is now attempting to link Senator Harry Reid and Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, both Democrats, to "9/11 “Fringe Anti-American Elements”", despite the documented unwillingness of the vast majority of their party to even be willing to entertain notions contrary to the government's Official Conspiracy Theory (OTC). To me, it appears more that Thompson and the globalists are trying to actually discredit the 9/11 Truth movement by claiming a link between the 9/11 Truth movement and the war-mongering members of the Democratic Party.

"In order to draw attention his way, especially from the blathering ditz-heads over Fox News, Thompson “suggests that Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) criticized outgoing Joint Chiefs Chairman Gen. Peter Pace last week to appeal to ‘fringe’ anti-American elements ‘who think the 9/11 attacks were an inside job,’” writes Think Progress. “Thompson also compares 9/11 conspiracy theories to claims that the war in Iraq was a ’sinister Republican plot.’ He says, ‘Reid has led the attack on the administration, with Nancy Pelosi, charging it lied and tricked America into supporting the war.’ Thompson claims that ‘multiple hearings and investigations into pre-war intelligence findings’ have ‘debunked this paranoid myth,’” the latter an obvious lie, not that the folks watching Fox will catch the drift. Most still believe plots requiring state intelligence services and matrix-like levels of sophistication are hatched by medieval Muslims in remote caves with the assistance of satellite phones, laptops, and kidney dialysis machines."

Fred Thompson Links Dem Harry Reid to 9/11 “Fringe Anti-American Elements”
Thursday June 21st 2007, 6:27 pm

As further evidence Republicans are clueless as Democrats, a Rasmussen poll indicates Fred Thompson, the “non-candidate” (or would-be selectee) bedecked with globalist credentials as a member of the Council on Foreign Relations, holds “a statistically insignificant one percentage point lead over former New York Mayor Rudolph Giuliani in the national poll of likely Republican primary voters, 28 percent to 27 percent,” according to NewsMax. Thompson’s “candidacy has been fueled by Republican dissatisfaction with the current field, particularly among conservatives,” thus demonstrating such “conservatives” lack two functioning brain cells to rub together.

Thompson is a one-worlder, not a “conservative,” and if “elected” (selected) he will continue the globalist plan—as will the Bilderberger Queen, Hillary Clinton, who is the odds on favorite. In addition, Thompson is a “visiting scholar” at the American Enterprise Institute, the “think tank” where Bush gets his “minds,” that is to say warmongering psychopaths, and routinely rubs elbows with the likes of Max Boot, Fred Kagan, and Danielle Pletka. “When you lie down with dogs, you get up with fleas,” Jean Harlow once quipped. Thompson, however, apparently had fleas before mixing it up with convicted felons such as Scooter Libby and the boy wonder of the neocons, Bill Kristol, who dreams of a Supreme Leader, an idea he gleaned no doubt from Carl Schmitt, Hitler’s crown jurist who managed to escape the gallows at Nuremburg.

In order to draw attention his way, especially from the blathering ditz-heads over Fox News, Thompson “suggests that Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) criticized outgoing Joint Chiefs Chairman Gen. Peter Pace last week to appeal to ‘fringe’ anti-American elements ‘who think the 9/11 attacks were an inside job,’” writes Think Progress. “Thompson also compares 9/11 conspiracy theories to claims that the war in Iraq was a ’sinister Republican plot.’ He says, ‘Reid has led the attack on the administration, with Nancy Pelosi, charging it lied and tricked America into supporting the war.’ Thompson claims that ‘multiple hearings and investigations into pre-war intelligence findings’ have ‘debunked this paranoid myth,’” the latter an obvious lie, not that the folks watching Fox will catch the drift. Most still believe plots requiring state intelligence services and matrix-like levels of sophistication are hatched by medieval Muslims in remote caves with the assistance of satellite phones, laptops, and kidney dialysis machines.

As we know, the events of nine eleven were not strictly a “sinister Republican plot,” although Republicans were assuredly involved. In fact, Fred’s buddies at the CFR and AEI had hands-on participation in nine eleven, as the events were specifically designed to take us down the thorny path to world government totalitarianism. In short, Fred Thompson is a heck of a lot closer to the epicenter of evil than your garden variety Republican or Democrat, although the latter are not shy when it comes to exploiting the event and 3,000 or so dead people.

But never mind. Thompson will throw his hat in the ring with the rest of the one-worlders, thugs, psychopaths, and opportunists, the sort of people selected precisely for their connections to the elite and their unsurpassed ability to receive and carry out orders. In Thompson’s case, it is the ability to read a script, a skill he excels at while the current resident is nothing short of an embarrassment.

[…] Wesley Clark Link to Article nancy pelosi Fred Thompson Links Dem Harry Reid to 9/11 “Fringe Anti-American Elements” » Posted at Another Day in the Empire on Thursday, June 21, 2007 As further evidence Republicans are clueless as Democrats, a Rasmussen poll indicates Fred Thompson, the “non-candidate” (or would-be selectee) … Republican plot.’ He says, ‘Reid has led the attack on the administration, with Nancy Pelosi, charging View Entire Article » […]
Pingback by University Update - Nancy Pelosi - Fred Thompson Links Dem Harry Reid to 9/11 “Fringe Anti-American Elements” 06.21.07 @ 11:50 pm

[…] Wesley Clark Link to Article rudolph giuliani Fred Thompson Links Dem Harry Reid to 9/11 “Fringe Anti-American Elements” » Posted at Another Day in the Empire on Thursday, June 21, 2007 As further evidence Republicans are clueless as Democrats, a Rasmussen poll indicates Fred Thompson, the “non-candidate” (or would-be selectee) bedecked with globalist credentials as a member of the Council on Foreign Relations, holds “a statistically insignificant one percentage point lead over former New York Mayor Rudolph Giuliani View Entire Article » […]