Kucinich on 9/11 at Sonoma County Fairgrounds, June 10th

Not too far from the famed Bohemian Grove, a happier, healthier sort of bohemians were gathered for the three day Harmony Festival at California's Sonoma County Fairgrounds. I had the opportunity to pass out many hundreds of 9/11 pamphlets and deception dollars, and when Dennis Kucinich spoke on June 10th, I had a chance to ask him in front of a big crowd if he could tell us anything new about his 9/11 investigation. When he asked how many people in the crowd shared my concerns, the overwhelming majority clapped and raised their hands. He replied that a congressional hearing on financial issues related to 9/11 would be forthcoming in September.


It's at least encouraging

to see a candidate receptive to this issue, but given the enormous implications of the issue, it needs to be kept on the front burner!

If Kucinich can push other candidates in the direction of full disclosure, it will open up new avenues of investigation.

Reality got you down? Read the La Rochelle Times: http://www.rochelletimes.blogspot.com

Good job folks!

Someday there will be a collection of these encounters, compiled in such a way that the electorate can determine who's actually representing them in D.C. The 9/11 issue is not going away, so it will be interesting how potential leaders will respond to such questions again and again.

Now we know...

...that Kucinich will be asking how, with all the financial resources available, did we have such horrible intelligence failures.

Hope all you want. Kucinich is a NWO shill who wants to take our guns PERIOD. Smoke and mirrors. I'm sure that this will go nowhere. He has said that he read Tarpley's Synthetic Terror. And "financial issues" is the direction of his investigation? The most important "financial issues" center around who profited. Dollars to falafels says he follows the dollars to highjackers diversion trail.

"But truthfully, I don't really know. We've had trouble getting a handle on Building No. 7."
~~ Dr. Shyam Sunder - Acting Director Building and Fire Research Laboratory (NIST)

Agreed. He's a gun grabber.

He's blowing smoke up our hoo-ha's. I used to really admire this guy. Well, as much as a politician can be admired. Now I say DON'T FUCKING TRUST HIM.
"Peace comes from within. Do not seek it without." - Buddha
"What you do will be insignificant, but it is very important that you do it." - Gandhi
"The Sun never shined on a cause of greater worth." - Thomas Paine

and Ron Paul

wants to force women to give birth. why is it that all you people who are so afraid of the government putting their hands on your precious guns supporting a candidate who wants the governments hands all over women's bodies? how about some limits to where the government can legislate that respect an individual's body? sure Kucinich is a limited hangout shill. This is obvious--his limited investigation is meant to take heat away from the selected candidates before the 08 elections. This is obvious. his finacial crap will probably be an investigation into the wire transfer to mohammed atta, who hijacked nothing on 9/11. Oh sure, he'll be vague and make you hope he's going to look into the insider trading, but even that will just be sold as "someone who kne AL QAEDA was going to attack America's freedoms was crass enough to make some cash off of their inside knowledge. but that's obviously not as bad as actually DOING it, which is what evil arab muslims are guilty of. Those of you who are politicizing the truth movement by promoting your pet candidates who don't even have the courage to say the most minimally suggestive things about the fraud of the official story are doing a disservice to all of the real victims of 9/11. You're playing into the left right game and are being led like lambs to the slaughter. One sees so little independent thought from certain quarters of the truth movement it's frightening. Go ahead, go yell at some guy in a suit that he is with the NWO Illuminati satanist cult that orchestrated 9/11. Just make sure the person can't actually be tied in any way to the events. Sign up for a subscription to Alex Jones' website too, and buy all of his dvds! Really, he pours all that money back into the movement... no really, he does! Hahahaha. Whatever. Fools.


Real Truther a.k.a. Verdadero Verdadero

WTCdemolition.com - Harvard Task Force

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Real Truther

You exaggerate Ron Paul's position on abortion. My interpration is that he would not force his point of view onto others. He believes the federal gov. does not have the authority to enforce abortion laws, whether for or against.

His position is pro-life but my interpration of his position is that he would not move to enforce some sort of federal ban on abortion. If a state makes a ruling then he would not swoop down with the Federal Abortion Authority to enforce his point of view.

He's not forcing woman to give birth.

On 911...

The time is far overdue for these candidates to speak out against the 'official explanation' of 9/11.. I have more faith in Ron Paul then Kucinich. I"m campaigning for Paul because I do believe he would allow a new investigaiton into the attacks. My only hope is that he's got it on his agenda but needs more attention before he can bring up the issue without be thrown out of the Republican primary.

It sucks but that is how it is.

Right on with the NWO / CFR stuff....have you ever tried reasoning with the anti-NWO activists?

When I think about these things....I often consider the extreme nature of what I actually believe...my own government perpetrated attacks on Americans!

I don't think an election or a new investigation into 9/11 will save this country.
Can't Stop 9/11 Fever

He's a uterus grabber...

This is coming from someone who may well vote for him.

"He believes the federal gov. does not have the authority to enforce abortion laws, whether for or against."

That's a huge cop-out. It's like saying the federal government wouldn't interfere if some states wanted to bring slavery back (in fact, it's a LOT like that.) The right to bodily sovereignty is a fundamental human right. As someone who doesn't have a gun but does have a uterus, my rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness hinge a lot more on my right to control my own body than on my right to bear arms, and must be taken just as seriously.

maybe you should keep a gun close to your uterus

just in case they come for it! Thanks jpass, I'm sure Paul's position is more nuanced than I suggested, but then so is Kucinich's on guns. It's just the way that some people insist on bringing left/right BS into the discussion of 9/11 , and with so little reason given neither side's willingness to even speak on the subject let alone act, that I felt the need to hold my nose and stick up for poor Kucinich. Jackass got $500 of my money in the 04 primaries and caved to Killer Kerry and I STILL defend him--yeah I'm an idiot, oh well...


Real Truther a.k.a. Verdadero Verdadero

WTCdemolition.com - Harvard Task Force

NEW---> check out our revamped site!


I'm sorry, but FUCK YOU.

It's just the way that some people insist on bringing left/right BS into the discussion of 9/11

I didn't bring any "left-right" bullshit into anything. For starters, I'm probably more left than right, so if you think my "gun grabber" statement was somehow righty, you're once again jumping to conclusions. I don't own a gun, and I've never even fired one, BUT CERTAIN CURRENT EVENTS HAVE ENLIGHTENED ME TO THE IMPORTANCE OF THE RIGHT TO BEAR ARMS!!!

I'm fully on-board with the false left-right BS. I've been trying to wake my "liberal" friends to that joke. I support Ron Paul not because of some partisan leaning. If I were going that route, I'd be more likely to support Kucinich, which I DID until I heard him talking about banning guns. Also, I think as time goes on, his shiftiness grows more apparent. Ron Paul is standing up and shouting loud and clear for liberty, and getting the government under control. I think we would have a way better chance at seeing 9/11 Truth come to fruiton under President Paul than President Kucinich. Ron Paul is a man of principles. Kucinich is looking more and more like a common politician.
"Peace comes from within. Do not seek it without." - Buddha
"What you do will be insignificant, but it is very important that you do it." - Gandhi
"The Sun never shined on a cause of greater worth." - Thomas Paine

is it not your own...

At what point is the debate not about just your body but about the body of a living and unborn child? That is the debate Paul thinks states should decide on. Do you not agree that there should be some sort of limit as to when a pregnancy can be aborted?

I like Paul because he's not trying to push his point of view down anyone's throat by claiming that god is in charge when it comes to abortion. He's fairly reasonable with his position I think.

EDIT: Your slavory analogy is a bit much don't you think? Slavory = no gray area where abortion = a bunch of gray area to be dabated.

Can't Stop 9/11 Fever

For me, bodily sovereignty = no grey area.

There's entirely too much crap associated with "the right to choose." I don't expect you to agree, nor do I want to get into a huge debate about abortion here, but as far as an argument that ANY person, born or unborn, has the right to use my body as a meat-based life support system I would say no, she does not. Are there any circumstances where I can force you to give me a kidney or a chunk of liver? Even if I'm going to die?

Bear in mind that I'm a person who has experienced pregnancy and borne a child. I have my own ideas about when in a pregnancy I would be unwilling to terminate it. However, because I completely reject the idea that the state or anyone else has the right to reach past the borders of my body and deprive me of rights (such as the right to use lethal self-defense), I support the right of others to be completely sovereign as well.


as far as an argument that ANY person, born or unborn, has the right to use my body as a meat-based life support system I would say no, she does not. Are there any circumstances where I can force you to give me a kidney or a chunk of liver? Even if I'm going to die?

Never though about it quite that way. Thanks for your thoughts, casseia.

I've always been pro-choice, but lately I've been thinking about the issue with more of an understanding of where the pro-lifers might be coming from. As I get older and start to see how my actions affect my future, and how I am in control of my decisions, I start to think that maybe the vast majority of unwanted pregnancies are preventable. There might often be some irresponsibility involved in the equation. Also, from a "moral" or "spiritual" perspective, I'm beginning to find the practice slightly... macabre.

I would never let my personal qualms change my political position on the matter though. I think this falls under the umbrella of legislating morality, which I am vehemently against. Your description of pregnancy as almost a parasitic invasion of the body gives more insight into the issue.

"Peace comes from within. Do not seek it without." - Buddha
"What you do will be insignificant, but it is very important that you do it." - Gandhi
"The Sun never shined on a cause of greater worth." - Thomas Paine

Put it in the proper context, though, please...

"Parasitic invasion" may be a mind-opening way to describe the qualities of an unwanted or forced pregnancy, but it is not the only way. When I was pregnant, I was stunned that there was not more literature and art about the pregnancy -- because it is mind-blowingly unique among human experiences -- but when it goes well it leads to having a new-born baby, which is probably why there is not a lot of art or literature. It is very, very weird in a wonderful way. When it doesn't go well or is not voluntary, it leads to representations a la Mary Shelley's Frankenstein and the Alien movies.

"I start to think that maybe the vast majority of unwanted pregnancies are preventable. There might often be some irresponsibility involved in the equation."

Yeah, and that irresponsibility is called letting sperm come into contact with a viable egg. I hope you never do that, unless it's on purpose.

I'm pro-choice, quite frankly.

I just see the tyranny issues as just a wee bit more important right now. If the right to bear arms takes a hit right now... That's all she wrote. And BTW, if we slide into tyranny who's to say that women won't be FORCED to have abortions, like in China?

One sees so little independent thought from certain quarters of the truth movement it's frightening

I see so MUCH egotism, paranoid infinite-regression analysis, and negativity from YOU it's sickening. I've said it before and I'll say it again. You seem to be an intelligent person, but you are WAY TOO NEGATIVE, and your analysis of many issues is borderline paranoid if not full blown. (I should know, I've experienced paranoia once or twice...)

And your mud slinging at Alex Jones is based only on speculation as far as I can tell. Don't think that you're such a genius that you've "figured it all out" and can now start treating your assumptions as facts.

The whole world isn't against you, RT. Try to find some common ground with somebody or something, SOMEWHERE. Please.
"Peace comes from within. Do not seek it without." - Buddha
"What you do will be insignificant, but it is very important that you do it." - Gandhi
"The Sun never shined on a cause of greater worth." - Thomas Paine

Uh, bodily sovereignty IS a "tyranny issue."

And the right to bodily sovereignty is what will prevent forced abortions, too.

I'm with you on that.

I just think you're going to have a lot more sorrows in your life than unwanted pregnancy unless we get the government under control. Bodily sovereignty is a tyranny issue, but it is underpinned by other more fundamental political issues. You know, Hillary will probably uphold Roe V. Wade. We could always elect her.
"Peace comes from within. Do not seek it without." - Buddha
"What you do will be insignificant, but it is very important that you do it." - Gandhi
"The Sun never shined on a cause of greater worth." - Thomas Paine

Did you notice the place where I said I may support him?

I'm not a one issue person. I'm just always going to be poking my nose in when people come to cheer Paul and simultaneously dis Kucinich for wanting to meddle with their dicks ...er, I mean guns.

HA! thats not fair casseia,

HA! thats not fair casseia, not all gun owners use it as a substitute.....

"The Central Intelligence Agency owns everyone of any significance in the major media." ~ William Colby, Former Director, CIA

ain't going to happen

He said he was going to look into the financial part of 9/11. I believe he will be looking into limiting the payouts for the victim's payments. No new investigation. Listen closely and don't assume good.

Let's find Peace

Kucinich is doing exactly what has to be done -- this is great

Don't screw this up by bombarding his office and the internet with more "zionist this, and zionist that" talk.

Look, many of you are not thinking of the 9/11 problem in strategic terms. No politician in his or her right mind would declare an open investigation of "9/11" in general. It would never get any political support, and it would be stonewalled as too expansive and potentially threatening to any number of agencies and dirty politicians. Doesn't matter if it's Ron Paul or Kucinich or whoever. They all have to play the game.

If Kucinich is doing what it sounds like he's doing, then he's going to tug at one small thread, and see if the sweater comes undone. Investigating "finances" is exactly the way you bring this baby down. It sounds innocuous on the surface, and it will probably allow him more room to navigate an investigation than a broader search for more obvious criminality would. Think of Al Capone. Think of Watergate. OK, this is how big time politics works. You don't bring a squad car with sirens blaring to the criminal's front door. You request income tax receipts and find a trail of dirty money instead. Because ultimately, with something like 9/11, there is a huge trail of money somewhere.

Remember how the commission report said the financing for the hijackers was "not significant"? That's because once you go down that road, you may end up with trails leading to who knows how many dirty politicians.

Clearly, Kucinich knows something about the work we have done. Clearly, he knows how Washington works. Clearly, he is approaching this problem strategically. Let's let him do his work in private, and see what kind of results he brings. I think this is great news, the best kind of news we could hope for.

Great post!

I must say, this is great news. I mean there are many peels to the 9/11 onion. The financial aspect is one of them. Also, by taking on something that even the 9/11 Commission report refused to, speaks volumes to me. I'm not one for predicting the future. I'm for making sure the future is better by constant reminding of the issues on hand.

I always thought that this movement's goals was for a new 9/11 investigation. Well, here it is. It might not have the pomp and circumstances as the government's, but at least someone is dong something, which is a lot better then doing nothing. Do you believe in foreknowledge and insider trading? Wouldn't that be a "financial issue?"

Ann Arbor Truth and Freedom

There's no question Kucinich knows what's up with 9/11

The (reliably sourced) rumor is that his wife is fully on board.

I think you make excellent points about following a money trail. This could indeed be the basis for a new investigation. So if you were a perp, and thinking ahead (or paying someone to think for you), wouldn't you consider covering your tracks in this department as well as you could, while simultaneously leaving plenty of big, visible breadcrumbs (100k might be enough) pointing in another direction?

A Washington-based new investigation is not promising...

i fear that you are probably

i fear that you are probably right on(Paki frame-up, or fall guy i should say).

"The Central Intelligence Agency owns everyone of any significance in the major media." ~ William Colby, Former Director, CIA


That kind of bigoted language is exactly what will undermine the movement.

As for the rest of your sentiment, I would say wait until some actual investigating takes place before you speculate as to the nature and capability of the investigation.

I'm not suggesting we stop being active on this issue. I am simply saying that given the slim chance of anything materializing around an investigation of 9/11, what Kucinich seems to be saying appears to be good news.

Paki is short for Pakistan.

Paki is short for Pakistan. i am not a bigot and i deeply resent that statement. i dont even know how to react to that right now. wow.

"The Central Intelligence Agency owns everyone of any significance in the major media." ~ William Colby, Former Director, CIA

People from Pakistan are known as


"Paki" is a derisive term.

and i was talking about the

and i was talking about the COUNTRY not the people and just using abbreviations. but hey, throw around temrs like "bigot" liberally, that doesnt cause problems or anything. and did you honestly think i meant the people and not the country when i said "Paki"?

"The Central Intelligence Agency owns everyone of any significance in the major media." ~ William Colby, Former Director, CIA

Where I come from

"Paki" is only used in the context of a slur, and it always refers to a person not the country.

If what you meant was the entire country, then I apologize for using the term "bigot," but I also advise you to be more cautious with your language.

ok, but if you read my

ok, but if you read my comments carefully i think its pretty goddamn obvious im talking about a country and not people(as if the entire population of the country would be the "fall guys"). i feel i was plenty cautious but thanks for the tip i guess. i would just say be more cautious in calling people bigots.

"The Central Intelligence Agency owns everyone of any significance in the major media." ~ William Colby, Former Director, CIA

I thought you were going out of your way to be tactful

by eschewing "Patsystani." Although Simuvac is right that it's a slur, I read it as an abbreviation -- maybe that's a function of local environment? I don't think I've ever heard someone use the word in real life (which doesn't mean it's not a slur -- it just means it's less of a hot-button term for me.)

It's a slur.

Live in Toronto for a while...

But I don't think that was the context, and I CERTAINLY don't think that was the sentiment of the post in question. But here we are, taking up a whole page arguing about political correctness...
"Peace comes from within. Do not seek it without." - Buddha
"What you do will be insignificant, but it is very important that you do it." - Gandhi
"The Sun never shined on a cause of greater worth." - Thomas Paine

as a matter of fact, thats

as a matter of fact, thats exactly why i used Paki and not Patsystan, even though thats how i really feel about it. but jesus, i would have thought that 911blogger would be one of the last places i would have to worry about the PC police. i thought it was obvious that i meant the country and not the people but what do i know.

"The Central Intelligence Agency owns everyone of any significance in the major media." ~ William Colby, Former Director, CIA

Thank you language police!!!

Let's derail and sidetrack the whole conversation because someone said "Paki" instead of "Pakistani"!! "Black" instead of "African American"...


Shit, I'm worn out. If anyone can think of anything I missed, feel free to add. If your group was under-represented, I apologize in advance.
"Peace comes from within. Do not seek it without." - Buddha
"What you do will be insignificant, but it is very important that you do it." - Gandhi
"The Sun never shined on a cause of greater worth." - Thomas Paine

You forgot Manila Folder

You forgot Manila Folder (Filipino Contortionist)



You are a racist sir! You are a racist!

I also forgot "Flappy-head".
"Peace comes from within. Do not seek it without." - Buddha
"What you do will be insignificant, but it is very important that you do it." - Gandhi
"The Sun never shined on a cause of greater worth." - Thomas Paine

Paki is short for

Pakistan or Pakistani.

Bigoted? Come on. It's not the word it's the intent. Let's not be oversensitive around here.

Can't Stop 9/11 Fever

"A Washington-based new investigation is not promising..."

Well, then, I think you're screwed. Because you are not going to get an international investigation. It would be inhibited by the same roadblocks as the Washington investigation, and with the added problem of being foreign.

Why, thank you... how kind of you to say!

Yes, some time ago I gave up on the idea that success for the Truth movement is going to come in the form of a new investigation.

"With the added problem of being foreign."

I think I may know what you mean, but coming after a string of accusations of "bigot" that sounds a bit weird.

String of accusations?

What the hell are you talking about?

"Paki" is a slur. I said it was "bigoted language", which it is in most contexts, and I said it once. What "string" are you talking about?

I even apologized for the misunderstanding.

By "the added problem of being foreign," I mean exactly what it sounds like: The US government will never allow a foreign institution (the UN?) to conduct an investigation into 9/11. Even if it somehow did, the results would never stick.

When you say follow the

When you say follow the money, I think of a certain wsj reporter.


Of course, he never said it. They wrote it for the movie. But, yes, exactly.

Remember when Bush was confronted by an accusation that he knew about the 9/11 attacks in advance? Bush stumbled, then said "there's a time for politics"? Here, Bush is being accused of something heinous, and his only retort is to say Howard Dean is "playing politics"? You can almost see Bush's brain in overdrive, running through the many ways in which he certainly knew about the plot long before it happened. His default response is to question the motives of the accuser.

The contemporary knee-jerk response for the target of almost any political investigation or accusation is that the accuser is "playing politics". This is true even for something as serious as the occupation of Iraq. There's no debate. BUT, there is discussion of whether to cut the financing of said politics.

If a Democrat were to "re-open" 9/11, as some naively think will happen, the Democratic Party would be destroyed for a generation. The reason is that the Republicans would say, How can you play politics with the victims of 9/11? Jesus, Ann Coulter attacked the 9/11 widows, and they weren't even talking about RE-opening an investigation!

So, I think the only stealth way to approach the "politics" of 9/11 Truth via an investigation is to begin looking at financial threads of the crime. Those threads may lead to real "politics", or they may not. Who knows. But to think that one of the two governing parties in this corporatocracy is going re-open 9/11 in its entirety is just fantasy. The approach has to be stealthier, and I really hope Kucinich is honest and finds something.

He might start by finding out what the hell happened to those hard drives recovered from the WTC. If people made trades on foreknowledge, maybe one can trace where the foreknowledge came from?

"If a Democrat were to

"If a Democrat were to "re-open" 9/11, as some naively think will happen, the Democratic Party would be destroyed for a generation."

What Democratic Party? IT'S ALL FAKE. One party fascist/socialist (COLLECTIVIST) corporatocracy. And think about this: Most major industries have been effectively monopolized, and the heads of those industries are either in bed with the government, or interchangeable within the upper levels of government AND industry. (See Cheney and Halliburton) So in effect, the monopolies on industry are controlled by the government.

Means of production controlled by the state... Means of distribution controlled by the state...

That's right! Corporate monopolies + incestuous cronyism with government = COMMUNISM. Middle class is going bye-bye, police state being erected...

The "right" in this country is fascist and the "left" is socialist/communist. All adds up to totalitarian collectivism. One group is just more subtle than the other, but their goals ar ethe same.
"Peace comes from within. Do not seek it without." - Buddha
"What you do will be insignificant, but it is very important that you do it." - Gandhi
"The Sun never shined on a cause of greater worth." - Thomas Paine

I always found the

I always found the development of China, immediately before and after the handover of hong kong, to be interesting. The country is communist, and a police state, but it is our biggest trading partner. Not eluding to any collusion between the countries of the west and China but it just boggles the mind how different 15 years can make.

I developed an interest in China while researching the possibility of exporting cellphones to china as the US basically assured citizenship to the fleeing wealthy of Hong Kong around 1996 or so. Basically all they had to do was insure a business that would generate a million plus in revenue with mainland china and they got fast tracked for citizenship.

I was amazed at the raw potential of the chinese back then, and theorized that they were about to take the world stage economically, just a matter of infrastructure. I mentioned this to one of my roommates father, retired NSA guy, and his quip answer was, "Don't worry about China"

My gut feeling is the US and China are headed for an unholy partnership across many different levels or conflict down the road.

Business as usual??

I usually don't use this phrase, because I think it is for jack-asses and flabbergasted old women, but HOW DARE YOU compare 9/11 to Watergate or some petty organized crime. This was a crime against humanity, and every day that the 9/11 Wars continue the crime gets more heinous. Every day we "political dissidents" draw closer to seeing the inside of a FEMA concentration camp.

Congress is almost 100% corrupt. How do you think all these dictator laws have been flying through? Why do you think the war is still going on? THE CONVENTIONAL CHANNELS OF JUSTICE NO LONGER EXIST. Any politician who tries to air out 9/11 by "playing the game" is going to be chasing his tail.

Look at the stolen elections. Look at the media blackouts. Look at the marginalization of Ron Paul. Look at the ongoing 9/11 Wars DESPITE public outcry. Look at the complete lack of accountability. And on, and on, and on... This is already a Fascist/Socialist nation. It's done. We're just watching the final formalities being crowbarred into place. A bottom up, grassroots REVOLUTION (hopefully peaceful) is all that will do the trick. It's not just a matter of getting everyone to say "OK, it was an inside job", it's a matter of totally restructuring the corrupt system to prevent any repeats.
"Peace comes from within. Do not seek it without." - Buddha
"What you do will be insignificant, but it is very important that you do it." - Gandhi
"The Sun never shined on a cause of greater worth." - Thomas Paine

like everyone else, i hope

like everyone else, i hope Kucinich is for real but personally remain highly skeptical. he wont touch insider trading, so my guess is he will possibly go after the $100,000 to Atta from the ISI. i wouldnt get my hopes up if i were you though, not until we see real results and not just more talk. also, wouldnt it be nice if he finally got an answer about who was really behind the wargames on 9/11? doesnt he know that Mckinney already tried to get to the bottom of this? why not follow up and ask Myers again? why stick to just "financial issues? and what does that even mean? the lack of specifics isnt good. this wait and see shit is getting old, its like they are trying to keep the genie in the bottle by every means available, including the old steam valve trick..........

"The Central Intelligence Agency owns everyone of any significance in the major media." ~ William Colby, Former Director, CIA

This is one of the best things that can be done

i want to know exactly who made the $$ on United & American stock shorting.

hell yeah, start with the #3

hell yeah, start with the #3 man in the CIA. if this is what Kucinich means by "financial issues" i'll be a bit impressed.

"The Central Intelligence Agency owns everyone of any significance in the major media." ~ William Colby, Former Director, CIA

Nobody claimed those

Nobody claimed those profits, they still sit unclaimed. At least, that's what I have read. Although, being human, and male, I am prone to mistakes.


I think you are correct

that the money remains unclaimed. My guess is that it was sort of "peripheral inside" trading -- perhaps someone knew SOMETHING was going to happen that would drive the stocks down and when they discovered WHAT it was, they thought "Holy shit! I'm not touching that!" Maybe they anticipated conventional hijackings, for example.

Or they got whacked...

Or they got whacked...

The Paki Blame Game

I imagine they will investigate the suspected mulit-connected agent, suspected of playing various sides....the CIA, ISI, MI5, CPR, DVD-RW, CD-R, and possibly the MIB. Just to name a few!

The ISI 100K story is compelte bunk.

Can't Stop 9/11 Fever

Well, it's been a few month since...

It's been a few months since Kucinich said he was starting some sort of proceedings into a few of the aspects of the attackas of 9/11.

Wonder how that's moving along.

Can't Stop 9/11 Fever