Truth Squad questions John Edwards about WTC7

911 Truth Tucson, Truth Squad reaches presidential candidate John Edwards, and local Representatives Raul Grijalva and Gabrielle Giffords....

more coming soon @

John Edwards gives his word re: WTC 7

After looking dumbstruck for several long uncomfortable seconds (was he perhaps waiting for security to drag the questioner out), John Edwards finally REMEMBERS or UNDERSTANDS (not sure which) that he is being asked about World Trade Center #7. Since it was the third building to collapse on 9/11/2001, I'll give Mr. Edwards the benefit of the doubt and will assume he just didn't understand the young man.

I also plan to hold Mr. Edwards to his iron clad commitment to provide an answer on a World Trade Center #7.

Was just it me or did Edwards look petrified up there?

Good work guys! Let's get after 'em. Every last one of 'em. WE ARE THE MEDIA NOW!!!
"Cogito ergo sum"

Man, whats in the water

Whats in the water they are drinking? It seems these guys are robots all pugged into the same hard-drive. Its scarey to see how ignorant our representitives are.


They are pretending to be ignorant so they can dodge the tough

questions like WTC-7!

you got that right!

Edwards looked ridiculous pretending he didn't know what the young man was talking about. Worse was his robot political response, he'd be looking into it. You could have asked him about a scewdriver being stuck up George Bush's ass and he would have had the same robotic response. Top tier politicians freak me out. I swear most of them must go through some sort of brainwashing to turn them into Stepford candidates.


Look, I'm an actor, and I'm telling you these guys are so insulated they don't even know! We all act like the "left gatekeepers" are complicit, when we have no idea how effective the fascists have been at insulating these people. At the very least, we have to ACT like they don't know! accusing them of covering up doesn't give them the cover they need. I think he doesn't even know about WT7. But we could educate him.
Love to all of you,
Kevin in Seattle
We can do it! Remember, hope is the most important information we can convey! Let them be the fearmongers, we're the hopemongers!

He's running for prez. He F***ing knows.

Don't be so naive. He was VP candidate in '04. He's running for the whole enchilada now. He knows.
"Peace comes from within. Do not seek it without." - Buddha
"What you do will be insignificant, but it is very important that you do it." - Gandhi
"The Sun never shined on a cause of greater worth." - Thomas Paine

I agree

Any candidate that doesnt know the facts of the biggest attack on American soil in US history doesnt deserve to be President.


Good job to the Tucson group for firing facts and recording the answers for future trials.

Keep up the action!

None of them deserve it anyway.

Any candidate who knows the facts and doesn't shout "TREASON" from the rooftops doesn't deserve to be president. Ron Paul is the only one who I could say deserves it. I would have said Kucinich, but now he wants to be a gun-grabber in a time of unprecedented tyranny. Is he that stupid, or is he a shill?? Don't know.......

"Peace comes from within. Do not seek it without." - Buddha
"What you do will be insignificant, but it is very important that you do it." - Gandhi
"The Sun never shined on a cause of greater worth." - Thomas Paine

Voting. You're damned if you


You're damned if you do.

You're damned if you don't.

Just do it.

///////////////////// - $1 DVDs shipped - email for info


for me, I don't have to worry about U.S. elections, since I'm Canadian. I'll be back up there to battle the Canuck World Order shortly.
"Peace comes from within. Do not seek it without." - Buddha
"What you do will be insignificant, but it is very important that you do it." - Gandhi
"The Sun never shined on a cause of greater worth." - Thomas Paine

world order

go get em up there in Canada. It seems its a big issue as it should be. Most in the US don't know anything about it. good piece here
Finally last night, Dobbs did a report on the North American Union.

You're damned if you don't

vote for Ron Paul

I agree w/ kevincory777

I hate to say it, but I think many people in this movement seriously overestimate how informed someone like John Edwards is about "underground" information like this. I think the poll numbers that are quoted often here as overly optimistic.

Generally, the people who know about "911-Truth" are people who have a high-speed internet connection AND spend long hours night after night surfing the web. Someone like John Edwards probably flies thru the New York Times or Washington Post everyday. I bet he has staff that briefs him on what he needs to know to get elected, and that alone is more information than most people can digest.

I think Edwards was truely clueless here. He doesn't need to know about Building 7 to get elected. It doesn't serve us well to assume that everyone in Washington knows what's going on. The story is still totally unbelievable for most people.


The thing is, I know a lot of "high power"people. It is astounding how insulated they are. They get LESS information than we do, not more. And getting them to look? It's nearly impossible. They have so much to lose since they are entrenched so deeply with the system.
In any case, acting as if they don't know gives them some cover and leads us to those well framed and rehearsed statement/questions so eloquently recommended in this blog.

hear, hear

I couldn't agree more. It's easy to jump into assumptions about others and this never helps. People inhabiting the higher rungs in our society are generally the least clued in to all this (really), and the most psychologically defended.

In addition to courage and accuracy, certain qualities help immeasurably in communicating unwelcome information. Patience, respect, humility and kindness (never underestimate the power of humility) exert an influence -- undramatic but truly powerful -- that can undermine the best defences and catch the hearts and ears of the majority -- yes, majority -- who will otherwise never really hear.

Insulting and dismissing people, even if they seem to deserve it, is a great way to damage your own position.


You make a good point here. The folks here consistantly parrot 'poll' results either online or otherwise. Then out of the other side of their mouths, they say none of their friends or family are "woken up" yet. Well, which is it? Either most people are aware that 9/11 is shrouded in mystery, or these polls are bunk. Im going with the latter, as anyone who ever studied how polls are taken understands that they can be manipulated to show anything.

Morgantown 9/11 Truth
The Eleventh Day of Every Month

a good point

my dad is a retired foreign service officer, worked for the state department for 20 years. the first inkling he had of any of this was when I sat him down to watch loose change. he had never seen the damage (or lack thereof) to the pentagon, or heard of building 7. as of right now he (as a lawyer) believes there should be a new investigation but is hesitant to express an opinion as to who is actually guilty. it's important to not stop no matter what we think we've accomplished, or to assume that everyone knows everything. It's nice to think we have 84% of the country at least doubting but it's even nicer to think that some people (like John Edwards) may not have any idea--because if that's the case, just imagine how much momentum we'll gain when people like him realize what's been going on. He doesn't even have to admit that he knows as long as he stops treating 9/11 like it really in any justifies anything these criminals are currently doing. Do not underestimate our adversaries in the same way they underestimate us--that is one of the verious failings that will seal their fate.


Real Truther a.k.a. Verdadero Verdadero - Harvard Task Force


Look at the big picture.

You think he doesn't know what's happening to the Constitution? You think he doesn't know about the SPP (North American Union)? C'mon guys, only the most uninformed and confused sheeple can't see the tectonic shift that is happening here. The U.S. is being overthrown, sold out, and turned into a police state in a slow-motion coup (speeeding up every day though). Unless he is a COMPELTELY brain-dead dupe, and will never win the White House because the eleciton is now TOTALLY rigged, he has to know what is happening. He was Kerry's VP nominee. If there is any REAL possibility that this guy could win these offices, he would know what is going on. The only way he wouldn't is if the elecitons are 1000% rigged, pure political theater. (Which they might be close to...) The "elites" aren't going to risk letting someone get into office who isn't "with the program".
"Peace comes from within. Do not seek it without." - Buddha
"What you do will be insignificant, but it is very important that you do it." - Gandhi
"The Sun never shined on a cause of greater worth." - Thomas Paine

The best way to go is

The best way to go is probably to just take him at his word (ditto Kerry and the rest).
This does not mean I believe him, but it is a reasonable, objective place to start.
Next, time somone confronts Edwards, they can say: "When you were in Tucson you said you would look at info on WTC 7 and you promised to give an informed reply. It's been xx days now. What is your reply?"
Something like that.
Let's just play the game, use their answers, and more or less take them at their word.
This is a clear-cut strategy and within a few more weeks we may be able to FORCE all of the candidates to have real statements on this subject.
Once they make real statements and put them on the record, we can go from there.

Good thinking.

Yeah, this is an extremely important point people, and it should be noted and widely disseminated.

WE want to start controlling the narrative. Don't just keep producing new, unrelated questions out of a vacuum. Take notes on what each puppet has said in the past, and FORCE them to elaborate and follow up. Even bring a copy of the clip where he promises to "look into it" with you. If he tries to say "I never said that", say "Yes you did. I have it right here on video."
"Peace comes from within. Do not seek it without." - Buddha
"What you do will be insignificant, but it is very important that you do it." - Gandhi
"The Sun never shined on a cause of greater worth." - Thomas Paine

We do know he was at Bilderberg 2004

As part of being vetted to be an 'acceptable' VP.

follow up immediately (i.e. NOW!)

be polite but direct and clear. let him know you saw the video on tell him how many hits a day the site gets. maybe he knows everything, maybe he doesn't (I lean towards he knows). but make it seem to everyone on team edwards who may NOT know that this is something that concerns regular voters. hell, even go so far as to tell him how much you like his hair--be a s manipulative as the most sycophantic of the pols themselves!


Real Truther a.k.a. Verdadero Verdadero - Harvard Task Force


To Mr. Edwards:

I'd like to support your candidacy for the upcoming election. But as the word 'candidacy' entails, I need you to be very candid about the issues. I haven't picked a candidate to support, but I will as the issues I find important emerge.

I was raised in western NC and completed a degree in science from UNC-Chapel Hill. Today I am living in Tucson AZ. You recently visited Tucson and were asked about the following: the behavior of the collapse of WTC Building 7 on 9/11. Please follow this issue carefully and with an open mind. The sudden collapse of WTC Building 7 is potentially a 'smoking gun' that compels a new investigation and/or a re-investigation of the events of 9/11. But Building 7 is certainly not the only issue striking against the official narrative. The issues are almost too many to count. To begin, I'd recommend reading the recent works of D.R. Griffin and viewing the film '9/11 Press for Truth.' I'd also recommend viewing 'Loose Change Final Cut' as it comes out this fall.

From one concerned Carolina boy to another - I want an honest appraisal of this issue from you, Mr. Edwards. Take the time to research this. If I sense your response is candid, then I will support your candidacy.

Sent in my follow up... this website, thanks for the link, everyone who reads this particular article should indeed send in their own follow up so we can really press the issue, make it known that there are more than a simple few who want an answer for this.

my message

Mr Edwards, Just saw a video on with your comments after being asked a question about world trade center building 7.
From your remark I will assume you did not know wtc7 was taken down with explosives.
You did respond to the questioner that you will find out and get back to him.
Well him is us. We will know if you have gotten back to him and even if you have not.
Please do your homework. We have done ours and we are mad as hell. regards

More Contact Info for Edwards...

Please also call and write for best impact:

John Edwards for President
410 Market Street, Suite 400
Chapel Hill, NC 27516

Phone: (919) 636-3131

I will be going by in person to follow up!

I don't trust a single word

I don't trust a single word that comes out of his mouth and will remain skeptical until he answers, and probably afterward.

Did someone yell shut up to the guy who shouted about it being the third building?

Was this a setup by the cameraman and mysterio?

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Despite FEMA's preliminary

Despite FEMA's preliminary finding that fire caused the collapse, conspiracy theorists believe the collapse was the result of a controlled demolition. When asked about controlled demolition theories, Dr. Sunder said, "We consulted 80 public-sector experts and 125 private-sector experts. It is a Who’s Who of experts. People look for other solutions. As scientists, we can’t worry about that. Facts are facts."[16] In answer to the question of whether "a controlled[-]demolition hypothesis is being considered to explain the collapse", NIST said that, "[w]hile NIST has found no evidence of a blast or controlled demolition event, it would like to determine the magnitude of hypothetical blast scenarios that could have led to the structural failure of one or more critical elements."

///////////////////// - $1 DVDs shipped - email for info

Good, but not good.

Ok, I applaud these guys for having the courage to get out there and give this a shot. Good job on that front, and keep it up.

I have to offer some constructive criticism though, because we have to start getting this right. This is not a game. THIS IS NOT A GAME. Let's stop behaving like teenagers and amateurs.

This accomplished next to nothing.

Why are Truthers squandering the few precious opportunities we will get to place politicians in the hot seat this way, by asking easily dodged, open-ended questions?!? Put a bit of effort into it! All that depends on it is your freedom, and possibly your life. Plan out your questions so that they require specific answers. Ask compound questions that will force the puppet to back up his/her statements or possibly risk self contradiciton. REHEARSE! REHEARSE! REHEARSE!! Get together with fellow truthers and go over possible rebuttals and "doublespeak" answers. Craft your language carefully, so that the reply requires specific statements of either fact or lie!! Look, you get to ask whatever question you want. You get to plan it for days, weeks, or maybe even months. YOU ARE IN THE POSITION OF POWER!!! When you are the one choosing the topic of discussion, and the way the question is worded, YOU CONTROL THE SITUATION. The puppet must react to your words. He is automatically on defense. DON'T MAKE IT SO EASY FOR HIM! Don't be shy or intimidated. They are the ones with something to be ashamed of, not you! You are doing something noble, heroic, and patriotic. BE PROUD, CONFIDENT, AND ASSERTIVE! (Just don't pull a Luke R. "You are scum, sir!! You are scum!!)

-Craft steel bear trap questions. There should be no escape.
-Rehearse to build confidence.
-Make at least a short statement before your question. (This goes for everyone, EVERYTIME.) We want to be putting facts, info, and Truth out there for all to see. Don't miss any opportunities. The longer you can talk, the more facts you can spit out, the better. Just don't ramble or muddy up your question in a way that will weaken it. And if you're going to talk, make damn well sure you know your shit.
-Try to bring MULTIPLE Truthers to each event, get in MULTIPLE questions. MULTIPLE CAMERAS TOO. You don't want to get thwarted, and you want to multiply your chances to get in one or more questions.
-Older Truthers, don't leave this all up to the kids! All the Truth Squad grillings I've seen so far have been from twenty-somethings. Mix it up. They're eventually just going to start screening out young males who look like trouble. The questions should be coming from all demographics.
-Make sure all the members of the squad are prepared to ask questions. Even the camera people. This is why there should be two or more cameras. Everyone should be raising his/her hand trying to get a question in. If camera-person A gets called on, camera-person B shoots the video.

Things NOT to ask a politician:

"Do you know of/about..." "Well golly, no I didn't but I'll look into it. Next!"

"Do you support a new investigation?" "I will do whatever is within my jurisdiciton, you have my word. *Fingers Crossed* Next!"

"What do you think of...." "I hadn't really thought about it, I've never heard of it, I'll look into it... Next!"

Starting to get me?

How to work little Pinocchio:

"Mr. Edwards, many of the American people including victims' family members feel that there were severe problems with the 9/11 Commission Report. Some would even say it was a whitewash since it omitted extremely important details like the symmetrical 6.5 second collapse of WTC7, which housed the FBI, CIA, SEC, Secret Service, et al, or the sworn testimony of Transportation Secretary Norman Mineta with regard to Vice President Cheney's activities on the morning of 9/11. There were also blatant conflicts of interest within the Commission, in particular the connections and past history of Mr. Zelikow.
Do you feel that given the magnitude of 9/11, the effect it has had on our society, and the wars it has led us into, the American people deserve an extremely thorough, independent, and transparent investigation into ALL their concerns regarding 9/11? And what STEPS WOULD YOU TAKE as President to ensure that the American people get answers to all their valid questions about 9/11?"

So now you've let everyone hear some specific details, and you've given the puppet a question that can't be answered in a dismissive manner.

"Do you feel... the American People deserve..." "...WHAT STEPS WOULD YOU TAKE..." He has to give at least a resonably detailed or complex answer. Then maybe you've got another Truther ready with a follow up that will force him to get even MORE specific. Specificity is the key. Stay away from generalities. You want to control and limit his possible responses.

Rehearse, know your lines by heart, stare him dead in the eye.

Brainstorm and collaborate, people. There are probably more helpful tactics that I've missed. The main thing I want to stress is to cancel the open-ended questions. Make sure your language demands a detailed response, or forces the puppet into a lie. And more, more, MORE of these actions!!! (With a bit more planning.)

They are PUPPETS... Time for us to play with the strings for a while.

Please pass this around to anyone who might be in the position to execute one of these Truth Squad actions. Re-post it in other forums.
"Peace comes from within. Do not seek it without." - Buddha
"What you do will be insignificant, but it is very important that you do it." - Gandhi
"The Sun never shined on a cause of greater worth." - Thomas Paine

Specific questions

Specific questons could be loaded into the Activism section of this website for future use by those who get a chance to confront a puppet or pupeteer. Comments on those "loaded" questions could be used to assess impact or whether the puppets are learning to respond to that specific question thereby decreasing its usefulness.

Re-post it if you like.

However, I'm not suggesting that activists test out their questions in such a public place. Just trying to give some examples. People should be coming up with new and creative questions on their own, just using more careful planning and not wasting golden opportunities. Language is a weapon. We can see it being used against us through euphemisms, ad hominem attacks, and "doublespeak". Well, there are ways to neutralize that shit before the oral bowel-movement even gets going. Then if the slimy bastard tries to gloss over or otherwise avoid your question:

"With all due respect, Mr. Edwards, you didn't answer my question. What I asked you was you feel tha the American People deserve... ...what steps would you take..." If you give a clear and specific question, you can re-ask it and demand that he give a specific answer.

Anyway, as I said you can ost this in the activism seciton if you want. I haven't been over there yet, and I don't want to just barge in with something out of left field.

"Peace comes from within. Do not seek it without." - Buddha
"What you do will be insignificant, but it is very important that you do it." - Gandhi
"The Sun never shined on a cause of greater worth." - Thomas Paine

your right consciousness

I agree with all the point you bring up,

I was the camera man on all three videos, I was prepared with a question for Edwards but did not get the chance and was not called on. the questioner was unknown to me and that is why the video cuts in hard at the beginning. This was a learning experience and we will work on refining our next attempt.

your comments are dead on and I hope it help others in the future ...DR

duty is ours, consequences belong to god

Thank you for doing what you are doing.

I just want to stress that my criticism is only meant to help us be more effective. I really appreciate the fact that people like you are out there doing this stuff. I haven't had a chance to do much "real world" activism myself yet, as I seem to be in a terribly unreceptive part of the country. Plus, I get frustrated easily with people who can't seem to understand things that seem obvious to me. I need some partners who are a bit more patient and empathetic than me, but I've been going it alone so far.

Keep up the good work. Lets push harder! I know we haven't thought of every single possible action or tactic yet. There have to be more creative techniques yet to be discovered that would put the movement into high gear. Brainstorm and collaborate. Let's create some "think-tanks" of our own, and do some "war-gaming".

"Peace comes from within. Do not seek it without." - Buddha
"What you do will be insignificant, but it is very important that you do it." - Gandhi
"The Sun never shined on a cause of greater worth." - Thomas Paine

There are indirect forms of activism that may better suit

your talents, disposition and geographical location.

While I love to engage anyone at anytime everywhere I go, I also do a few other, less direct forms of activism to get the truth out to the masses. My current favorite is posting quotes from the patriotsquestion911 site on telephone poles all over my town and the adjoining towns. I target areas where I know the pedestrian traffic will be good, near schools and parks. I also slip truth signs into the front of free newspaper boxes. You can also leave single pages of essays, quotes or significant facts in cafes, train and bus stations or anywhere people might pick them up.

911Blogger is an informal think tank, as well as a lot of other things.

What part of Canada are you from? Where are you living now?

I hope that you and yours are well.

The truth shall set us free. Love is the only way forward.


Please dear friends, read again what LeftWright wrote above.

The first thing I finally posted on the bulletin board in my local haunt was a hand written copy of Hitler's observation on the Big Lie. I never signed it, nor cited Adolf as the original author. It hung for a week, and I KNOW several people who took it down to read and then tacked it back up for others. If you knew the makeup of my neighborhood, you might be able to imagine myself just a touch anxious having hung this kind of material as I did.

After a week, I traded "the little man with the funny little mustache", for Ironic Times' "10 Good Things about the Bush Administration"... it lasted about three days before someone actually took it, only after I pointed it out and read it allowed to several acquaintances who shined with their better humor, and a few clearly with wide-eyed approval.

Now when I set a stack of the Rock Creek Free Press out on the sidewalk, headlined with "Al Qaeda Funded Out of VP's Office"... my future in this mortal coil seemed a touch more compressed. A number of rather interesting dialogues and one outright drama ensued (I'm saving those for the book).

After all is said and done, boldness, courage, trust and some touch of faith in humanity... CAN BE released and somewhat crafted into new and better 'reality'. I tell you it's ours if we so choose it... to say the least.

Get out there and try it... 2007 is the year of truth. 2008, will be the year of substantive change, for the better.

Best of luck to us all.

Show "Yes" by Ningen

I'll gently suggest you

I'll gently suggest you don't get that no-plane/CGI/hologram idea lodged too firmly in your brain. Hypothesis must be supported by the observed data.

Please, and I'm HONESTLY not saying this in a rude or sarcastic way, if you want to chase this no-plane idea (at WTC that is, Pentagon seems inconclusive) please go do it on one of Jim Fetzer's blogs or something.

The rest of your post has some good ideas. Although, I don't think BLDG7 questions are too specific, they just have to be worded in a way that controls the dialogue. CD is just as obvious with the Towers as BLDG7 once you begin to really examine the events, but people just can't get that image of the planes out of their heads.

"Peace comes from within. Do not seek it without." - Buddha
"What you do will be insignificant, but it is very important that you do it." - Gandhi
"The Sun never shined on a cause of greater worth." - Thomas Paine

Show "No, I think I'll do it here" by Ningen

Ningen -

I don't get this fixation on WTC7.?

That's a very odd thing to say. It is clearly a classic, textbook controlled demolition and the fact that the government has not been able to explain it for 5 1/2 years speaks volumes. If someone claims to not know about it we need to make sure they know all the facts.

Please make sure to get video of yourself telling a national politician that you question whether planes hit the Twin Towers. That should be quite instructive for everyone.

How are the physics studies going?

The truth shall set us free. Love is the only way forward.

Show "LeftWright, snideness does not become you" by Ningen

I apologize if you read snideness into my comment,

that was not my intention.

The easiest and best way to get anyone to understand the explosive demolition of the Twin Towers is to first get them to look at and see the clear controlled demolition of WTC 7. I am puzzled and somewhat distressed by your inability to see this.

Your attitude and approach to this subject initiates several chains of questions in my mind.

The truth shall set us free. Love is the only way forward.

Apology accepted

I disagree with you on WTC7, but not that strongly. Maybe I'm wrong. That is certainly a valid approach -- the fact that WTC7 has been semi-hidden is certainly compelling, and it is obviously CD. Anyone that asks about it needs to explain more, because it is unknown.

If you have questions, ask them. If I have an agenda, I welcome your helping me figure out what it is.

Looks to me

Like the only faked videos I saw centered on "pods" or other bizarre or non-sensical theories, and were OBVIOUSLY created after the fact by disinfo shills.

"Peace comes from within. Do not seek it without." - Buddha
"What you do will be insignificant, but it is very important that you do it." - Gandhi
"The Sun never shined on a cause of greater worth." - Thomas Paine

I'm talking about the perforation videos

I agree that "pods" is a nonsensical theory. The varying videos may be the result of sloppy fakes, but that's all.

so right, C... so right.

I won't repeat what you said, but you are so right. Most of us will get just one or two chances to ask questions of tehse people and we have to make every one count. Nice to have you on our side!


Real Truther a.k.a. Verdadero Verdadero - Harvard Task Force


My pleasure to be here!

I'm hoping I can find a job in some kind of activism, so I can focus on this stuff 24/7.

"Peace comes from within. Do not seek it without." - Buddha
"What you do will be insignificant, but it is very important that you do it." - Gandhi
"The Sun never shined on a cause of greater worth." - Thomas Paine

Lack of confidence in the 9/11 Commission Report

These are great suggestions, and kudos to the people who are out there confronting politicians.

I would recommend a strategy that does not talk about specific details of 9/11, but conveys the following:

- the public opinion polls show the vast majority of Americans do not accept the veracity of the 9/11 Commission Report
- the most important members of the commission do not accept its veracity -- co-chairs Thomas Kean and Lee Hamilton admit in their book Without Precedent that the commission was "set up to fail"; they also admit they knew NORAD was lying in its testimony; former commissioner Max Cleland called the commission a "national scandal"; former FBI director Louis Freeh questioned the credibility of the commission in a Wall Street Journal editorial, writing, "No wonder the 9/11 families were outraged by these revelations and called for a ‘new' commission to investigate."
- mention the petition the families are forwarding, still looking for answers

One could go on, of course. My point is, the public rejects the 9/11 Commission Report, and even the co-chairs admit the White House prevented them from a full investigation. (We may believe otherwise about scumbags like Kean and Hamilton, but I would play it this way in front of other politicians.) Given the centrality of 9/11 to American life, given the lack of credibility possessed by the Commission, and given the many anomalies that have been exposed, will you vow to re-open the investigation of 9/11?

Another possible tactic could involve pointing out how most of the world doesn't believe the version of events spelled out in the Report. That damages American credibility abroad.

Nice man

You really seem to get it, nice game plan. I copied that & saved it in a text file, I suggest everyone do the same.

Blast from the

Blast from the past.

///////////////////// - $1 DVDs shipped - email for info

Edwards - just another

Edwards - just another scumbag.
I like the fact that 911 is removing the mask - THEY LIVE - and we'll prove it.

Global Warming is the biggest scam to infect the planet.
Global Warming = Global Tax = Global Police = TOTAL CONTROL

Their goal is a ONE WORLD DICTATORSHIP. COMMUNIST or FASCIST it matters not.

Who are the SHILLS for this ORDO AB CHAO ?

Good job Tucson!

We need to keep asking the politicians and public figures the hard questions and getting them on camera. Let's make Truth Squads the "in" thing to do on college campuses and get the college crowd involved.

Whenever possible always have a clear and concise question written down and try to make it something that relates to the person your question (i.e. regarding something they did or said). For some people, like Rudy Guiliani, this is quite easy as they have clear connections to the events of 9/11. For others, like Senator Edwards, the possible questions are wide open and can be shaped to engage the person's background or area of expertise (legal in the case of Edwards). Also shape your question based on whether the person is in or out of office.

Let me suggest some possible questions for Senator Edwards:

"Senator Edwards, on September 11th at 5:20 in the afternoon World Trade Center building seven, an $850 million, 47-story building imploded and collapsed in 6.5 seconds. Five and half years have passed and our government has still not provided an explanation for what is clearly a controlled demolition. This building, WTC 7, was not even mentioned int he 9/11 Commission report. If you are elected president will you promise to hold new investigations into building seven and the events of 9/11?"

"Senator Edwards, Norman Mineta's testimony before the 9/11 Commission clearly indicates that VP Cheney failed to uphold his oath of office and act to prevent Flight77 from hitting the Pentagon on 9/11. This critical testimony was left out of the 9/11 Commission report. Are you aware of this testimony? How is it possible that no one in the House or the Senate brought this matter up for further investigation?

"Senator Edwards, you were in the Senate during the time of the Anthrax attacks. How do you explain the fact that the FBI investigation, which led to the government bio-weapons lab at Ft. Detrick, Maryland, seems to have stopped cold? Does this concern you?"

"Senator Edwards, following 9/11 the World Trade Center site, the largest crime scene in American history, was secured and 98% of the critical structural steel evidence was quickly shipped overseas to be melted down. At the time many fire engineering experts and structural engineers complained that the steel needed to be thoroughly examined in order to understand the unprecedented destruction of the Twin Towers and building seven. As a Senator at the time, as a lawyer and as an American how do you explain this clear violation of crime scene investigative procedure?"

Now as for Congresswoman Gabby Giffords and very studied side-stepping of the issue, you can either take a direct or indirect approach. She said she's on the Armed Services Committee and the Science and Technology Committee. Thus, the NORAD stand down falls into purview of the former and the clear failure of NIST to adequately explain the Twin Towers destruction falls into the purview of the latter. I would suggest taking these issues up with her as she cannot so easily side step them. Remind her of her oath of office.

Congressman Grijalva presents a bit of a challenge as he is not on any committees that cover 9/11-related issues. So a general educational approach should be taken. I would suggest a diverse group of constituents make an appointment, go into his office and share your concerns with him and/or his staff. Bring a variety of books and dvd's and leave them with the staff, then follow up with weekly calls. Remind him of his oath of office.

Well, this turned out to be longer than I originally intended.

BTW - What's up with the Phoenix group?

Keep up the good work, Tucson!

The truth shall set us free. Love is the only way forward.

Beautiful questions, LW

Especially the "crime scene investigative procedure" one. Use your words WISELY, people. They are tools.
"Peace comes from within. Do not seek it without." - Buddha
"What you do will be insignificant, but it is very important that you do it." - Gandhi
"The Sun never shined on a cause of greater worth." - Thomas Paine

Excellent questions LW

Just as an observation you mentioned "Let's make Truth Squads the "in" thing to do on college campuses and get the college crowd involved." A 9/11 Truther friend and I went over to the local university here last Saturday and handed out 9/11 Truth flyers and some videos. My first question when I approached strangers was "Are you familiar with the 9/11 Truth Movenment?" Of the people we encountered everyone except for ONE PERSON said no. I was really very surprised by that. We still have a lot of work to do.

"A nation of sheep will beget a government of wolves" – Edward R. Murrow

Im glad

Im glad youre on our side LeftWright! I find your posts enjoyable to read and very informative. The writing talent demonstrated by a few here on 911blogger is most impressive.
The strength of this movement , is in the wisdom and talent of people who can share their thoughts and ideas in a manner that can be digested by the simpliest of minds (me) lol.
Very good questions LeftWright.

Actually, Lemonhoko,

I'm on everyone's side.

Some people are just really messed up and are working against their own humanity and believe that I'm working against them.

Love is a verb, y'all, let's get busy!

The truth shall set us free. Love is the only way forward.

Thank you all for your kind words

I am but one brother in the human family seeking truth and justice for all.

We are winning back our collective future, one person and one day at a time.

We have the truth and the laws of physics on our side, so we can only lose if we beat ourselves.

I love you all very much.

I hope that you and yours are all well.

The truth shall set us free. Love is the only way forward.


It's great that we are getting in the face of major figures, but most people have no idea about WTC 7 or it's implications.

A better way to approach such situations in the future would be to request an inquiry into the evidence that suggests that the WTC buildings were destroyed by demolition devices and not fires.

Another request could be an inquiry into Dick Cheney's apparent lie about his arrival time at the Presidential Emergency Operations Center on 9/11. Mineta and Clarke say he was there as early as 40 minutes sooner than Cheney himself said.

The implications of his apparent lie are of course would be to make it seem he wasn't present to issue a stand down order that Mineta's 9/11 Commission testimony suggests he did.

Great job Bob & Drew!

Great job Bob & Drew!

Edwards is not a good actor.

There is no avoiding these questions anymore. Youtube rocks!

Willie is a stronger question, imo

I would ask him if the fact that William Rodriguez, who worked in the Twin Towers for 20 years, and reported an explosion in the basement of the North tower BEFORE the plane hit, and was required to testify before the 9/11 Commission BEHIND closed doors, and then NOT ONE WORD of his testimony ended up in the 9/11 Commission Report, don't those facts alone prove that the 9/11 Commission was a whitewash and a cover-up and therefore we need a new, real investigation into what really happened on 9/11?

Senior 9/11 Bureau Chief, Analyst, Correspondent

Excellent work...

I don't trust word one from John Edwards.

I would like someone to ask the question, "Did you know that the 9/11 family members called for a new investigation this past anniversary at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C.?" Or... "Did you know that the family members that fought for the creation of the 9/11 Commission declared that very commission "derelict in its' duties", and questioned the "entire veracity" of the 9/11 Report?" Or... "Did you know that the White House edited the EPA's reports about the air quality around Ground Zero so as to reopen Wall Street, thereby causing 1000's of 9/11 First Responders to get sick, and in over 100 cases so far, die?" Or... "Did you know that the person in charge of the 9/11 Commission was asked to resign by 9/11 Family Members because of massive conflicts of interest, he refused, and now we have a report that touched on, at best, 30% of the well researched questions supplied by the family members?"

I would love to see some of those questions asked.

Great job guys.

It's Not The Crime That Kills You, But The Cover-Up

Great job

Great job Truth Sqaud. I agree with CONSCIOSNESS about rehearsing questions. These video's reveal how disingenuous politicians are.

what a pathetic attempt to

what a pathetic attempt to deflect. it says a lot that she wanted to know if any other members of congress had looked into 9/11. i guess she cant be bothered with treason and mass murder unless and until a few other congressman speak up first. pathetic.

Have you noticed?

Her background knowledge are exactly wath a 911 truth person needs to be aware of all the elements about 911 truth: scientific, army, etc, etc,... I really wonder why this kind of person isn't up front on our side. Maybe she's so afraid... little lonely girl... Pathetic in deed.

You can't hide a lie for long. Truth shall come out.

yeah, you would think she

yeah, you would think she might be interested in this type of thing. and i love how she added "i always love seeing you". yeah, i bet. and as far as Edwards goes, i dont know which is worse, him not knowing about WTC7 or pretending not to know about it. no wonder hes a front runner for the nomination.


Sorry but this goes way beyond constructive criticism boundaries.
This whole event was a failure. You didn't score any points with the politicos or the people in audience..
Please WAKE UP if you would like to continue in these efforts.

Few points about another comments>>
That doesn't mean Edwards is in any shape or form 9/11 candidate..

Edwards> according to the investigative author Crispin Miller, sen. Edwards pushed Kerry to go immediately public with the 2004 election fraud but lost the argument with him and the Dem party..

Now, according to several scientific studies the stolen elections 2004 are basically 99% probability fact.
And as the Dem party did not bother to act, perhaps they will play unfair with Obama or Hitlery.


Unfortunately, the whole case is lost, they won.
We might eventually get some VERY limited OVERVIEW not investigation if the LCFC film goes very popular.
But that's it, if the elite is capable in any respect, it's to keep the subjects in line..

Yes, it's cool that most of the ordinary folk smell the 9/11 fraud but they are not in control of anything.
Not to mention the military and other forces, so buckle up the road ahead on the second half of the depletion curve will be full of similar or bigger incidents than 9/11..

Toten -

I find the negative attitude as expressed in this post very alarming.

You clearly seem to think that there is no possibility that we can affect change and restore our constitutional republic AND that we should not even bother trying.

Do you give up on everything so easily?

Is your sole purpose here to discourage our efforts?

If you feel so strongly that nothing can be done, why are you here?

Having studied the 2004 election results very closely (I highly recommend reading was the 2004 presidential election stolen? by Steven F. Freeman & Joel Bleifuss), I would say the probability that the 2004 election was stolen is more like 99.99999%

Criticism is very much needed, but purely negative criticism without any constructive element to it is worse than worthless, imo.

The truth shall set us free. Love is the only way forward.

Kerry took a dive. Bush

Kerry took a dive. Bush called in a favor from his fellow Bonesman.

Don't have a defeatist attitude. If more 9/11s start happening, what are the "elite" gonna do, keep playing the incompetence card? The further they try to go with false flags, police state, martial law, NAU, the more people will wake up. Right now Americans are too dumb to see the trends, but once "Anytown USA" really begins ot look like Auschwitz, once people's family members start disappearing... People will wake up. It might very well happen too late for any kind of peaceful revolution, but it will happen.

"Peace comes from within. Do not seek it without." - Buddha
"What you do will be insignificant, but it is very important that you do it." - Gandhi
"The Sun never shined on a cause of greater worth." - Thomas Paine

questions need to be clearly defined

the questions need to be better crafted with follow up questions ready - play chess, not checkers

Much better approach . . .

This is exactly the style of calm, rational approach that this movement needs when pressing people of national prominence to look at or investigate the 9.11 truth movment. I highly applaud the people that made these advances to candidates and elected officials in this manner.

Because the shouting, finger pointing and getting thrown out during the confrontation with Zig Brzezinski from a couple of weeks ago was utterly foolish. It taints the message and brings it to the level of the bum on the street that talks to the pidgeons and screams at the sky. I was embarrased for the movement when that occured. I was equally astounded at how many amongst our movement thought that was a good way to take action for 9.11 truth. It's not.

So, vote me up or down, I care not which. But remember that rational people will always get more attention and respect than irrational ones. Is this a hot topic? One that causes blood to boil? YES. But the anger will mount among the populace that got fooled, at the appropriate time for the movement.

Teach them the facts in a rational, convincing manner. They will get mad by and for themselves.

Enough said.

"For my part, whatever anguish of spirit it might cost, I am willing to know the whole truth; to know it - now"
- Patrick Henry

John Edwards' remarks


Regarding the Edwards video--I was at the Edwards gathering standing about 20 feet from the questioner. He spoke in a low voice and I couldn't tell what he was saying the first 3 or 4 times he said it. I caught on because I knew what "Building 7" is all about. Edwards was not trying to be dense--he really couldn't hear well. Then several people sitting near him explained what the question was about. Edwards didn't have a look of fear or whatever--he seemed genuinely interested.

Best we don't read stuff onto people's reactions that may not be there.

Keep up the good work---

PS--it's cool that the crowd knew something about the issue.

I respectfully disagree

I respectfully disagree lothar.

"he seemed genuinely interested"

We have fought 2 wars, possibly going into a 3rd war. Over 3000 US troops are dead and over 600,000 Iraqis are dead. If a Presidental candidate doesnt know ALL the facts that got us involved with these events, he doesnt deserve any respect or votes.
Perhaps he didnt hear the question, but when he did, he side stepped it by feigning ignorance. Hell, my 12 year old neice knows 3 buildings came down in NY on 9-11. You expect me to believe someone that has ran for President and nominated to represent his party in 2004 as VP doesnt know all the facts about 9-11?

If you drop paper and get a ticket for littering, you can not use the excuse you didnt know littering was against the law. Ignorance is not an excuse for breaking the law..and anyone that is ignorant to the fact of 9-11 and running for office isnt worthy of a vote.

Let me respectfully disagree, Lemonhoko

I say let's give Senator Edwards the benefit of the doubt on this occasion.

Let's make a concerted effort to educate him and his staff on the critical issues regarding 9/11. ASAP

Then the test will become his (and his staffs) reaction to the information and subsequent answers to future questions on the issue.

If he continues to dodge the issue then we will have our answer.

I happen to think it more likely that he will drop out of the race, probably citing his wife's health. He may also adopt a very cautious approach to the issue, akin to Dennis Kucinich's and Ron Paul's public statements regarding 9/11.

Let's find out, shall we?

I hope that you and yours are well.

The truth shall set us free. Love is the only way forward.

You are wise

You are a wise LeftWright. I guess I need more patience. I apreciate your optimistic aproach and respect it. However, it seems real fishy to think that we have 9-11 truthers at junior high level that know more about the deadliest attack on American soil than life-long career politicians.


hey, 'junior high level' truthers know what google is. john edwards knows what polls are.
junior high level truthers (along with college kids) had the benefit of a film made just for them! its got hip hop and everything.

as you said, john edwards is a career politician. he knows how to politic. if millions of americans dont know about the 9/11 mysteries, then i can hardly expect john edwards to know about wtc 7.

let give him the benefit of the doubt. if he does nothing and chooses to ignore wtc 7, everyone can rightly jump on him.
i highly doubt that wtc 7 is an open secret in washington. these people lie to their own families about what they do, you think theyll keep their peers up to date on their criminal behaviors? nah, only unless theyre involved.

Morgantown 9/11 Truth
The Eleventh Day of Every Month

Rational, calm...

We should conduct ourselves properly, but we can't be content with politicians' "cautious" approach at this point. Remember, we're not just dealing with the 9/11 issue, but the NAU, torching of the Constitution, media monopolies... Time is quickly running out, and all this political "caution" only serves to buy time for the NWO. This is why I keep telling people to forget about their fantasies that Ron Paul or anybody else is going to swoop in and save the day. For all we know he could be a shill too. (Not likely, but possible.) He could have been patiently building up a consistent record over the years, specifically to con people into thinking he was going to be their savior from all this madness.

The only things we should be concerned with right now are waking EVERYONE up, and very actively, very strategically figuring out how to start reclaiming political power for the people. Not tomorrow. TODAY.
"Peace comes from within. Do not seek it without." - Buddha
"What you do will be insignificant, but it is very important that you do it." - Gandhi
"The Sun never shined on a cause of greater worth." - Thomas Paine

Rational, calm, but pointed. Yes, Indeed.

I heartily agree with your tone, CONSCIOUSNESS. A dignified, informed, but PERSITANT approach is clearly the way. Some of the best trial lawyers in this country take that exact stance when deposing a witness. That's why they win cases.

There is a momentum building in this thread for people of the 9.11 Truth movement to ask consistent questions of politicos, and them hold them accountable to a timeline for answers.


How about some small laminated cards we can hand the candidates, the uninformed public, and elected officials. These would have our truth questions on one side, and 9.11 web sites on the other?

I'm in for 250 on the order. Anyone else?

"For my part, whatever anguish of spirit it might cost, I am willing to know the whole truth; to know it - now"
- Patrick Henry


Please don't think I'm content with any public figure taking a "cautious" approach after they have been exposed to the information about 9/11.

I was simply stating my opinion that that was a likely tactical choice Sen. Edwards could take.

The whole point of Truth Squads is to confront these folks in public and get it posted online for everyone to see.

If someone claims ignorance, we need to EDUCATE them. ASAP If, after being educated, they stall or dissemble on the issue we need to HAMMER home the fact that 9/11 is the foundational event of our time and that they HAVE to take a position on it

We need to be unrelenting, we must HOLD THEIR FEET TO THE FIRE.

All of these encounters should be recorded and spliced together to show their evolution of position or expose their attempts to avoid the issue. We must study their responses and sharpen our questions in an ever tightening rhetorical feedback loop.

I expect that they will take countermeasures, the first of which will be having questions written on cards whenever possible. They will probably also resort to identifying or planting "friendly" questioners in crowds and calling on them to avoid our hard questions. Our response to these tactics will have to be tee-shirts with easily readable messages on them and ever larger demonstrations outside the events. Eventually, we may have to adopt the tactics of non-violent civil disobedience.

Let the corrupt, morally bankrupt elites out themselves on YOU TUBE for all the world to see.

Let the righteous patriots STEP UP and defend the constitution and the republic.

The American people are sick and tired of all the corruption, lying and BS. As they see their "leaders" exposed they will join us in taking back the country and then we can begin to honestly debate how to move forward as local communities, states and as a nation.

BTW - I LOVE your quotes, remind me to buy you a drink or a meal just for those great quotes when we meet.

I hope that you and yours are well.

The truth shall set us free. Love is the only way forward.

I agree

I agree with your rational and calm aproach LeftWright, but I dont think its our duty or responsibilty to educate these "leaders" to 9-11 events. It is their DUTY as Americans to demand the truth and dig as much info on the subject as they humanly can., Just as you and I and everyone in this forum has done. I suspect you can get a very clear picture and probably be almost as knowledgable to the 9-11 distortion and facts after 40 hours of research. Most of the info is in the public domain. It doesnt take a genious to google. I dont buy their excuses., sorry.

I work to educate my family, friends, neighbors

and complete strangers everywhere I go.

Why not the members of the House and Senate?

Of course they should know, but if they claim ignorance then we have to educate them and force them to take action.

If they refuse then they will have outed themselves as being corrupt and not viable as "leaders".

The point is to remove any possible excuse they may make for not taking action.

We need to strip away any lame cover of "plausible deniability" before we can accuse them of complicity in the cover-up and seize their assets to pay reparations. (Yes, I'm serious about this)

It's all about due process of law and basic human courtesy.

(BTW - I don't buy too many of their excuses, either. Just have to do due diligence, is all)


The truth shall set us free. Love is the only way forward.

Its refreshing

Its refreshing to see our goals are the same. The only argument I see by most here at 911 blogger is how we get there. The phrase "United we stand, divided we fall. " has never been as important than it is in todays times.
I look forward to meeting someday, such great Americans that post here on this blogger. Im hoping to make it to NY this year on 9-11 to do just that.
I know I will be in company of TRUE American Patriots on that day.

And again...

"The point is to remove any possible excuse they may make for not taking action.

We need to strip away any lame cover of "plausible deniability" before we can accuse them of complicity in the cover-up and seize their assets to pay reparations. (Yes, I'm serious about this)"

"Peace comes from within. Do not seek it without." - Buddha
"What you do will be insignificant, but it is very important that you do it." - Gandhi
"The Sun never shined on a cause of greater worth." - Thomas Paine

Direct Action

"Eventually, we may have to adopt the tactics of non-violent civil disobedience."

I'd replace the word "eventually" with "soon".

Excellent thinking.

If someone claims ignorance, we need to EDUCATE them. ASAP If, after being educated, they stall or dissemble on the issue we need to HAMMER home the fact that 9/11 is the foundational event of our time and that they HAVE to take a position on it


All of these encounters should be recorded and spliced together to show their evolution of position or expose their attempts to avoid the issue. We must study their responses and sharpen our questions in an ever tightening rhetorical feedback loop.

Yes Yes!!

You get the first round of drinks, I'll get the second. :-)

"Peace comes from within. Do not seek it without." - Buddha
"What you do will be insignificant, but it is very important that you do it." - Gandhi
"The Sun never shined on a cause of greater worth." - Thomas Paine

double post...


"Take Care" not take a hike

In the second video, the Congresswoman clearly said "Take Care" not "Take a hike".

I think

they were "making a little joke" via humorous commentary.

Senior 9/11 Bureau Chief, Analyst, Correspondent

9/11 — GET rEVENge! (in a peaceful manner, of course)

These congrawhores

congress men and women are all morally bankrupt and bought and paid for.You have absolutely NO fuckin chance getting any results from any of these people.
Waste of time and effort.
US is fucked.