Letter from Dr. Steven Jones to Congressman Cannon

Steve Jones sent this letter today to U.S. Congressman Christopher Cannon, R-Utah:

"Dear Congressman Cannon [and assistant]:

Thank you for your letter and for your attention to these important issues, about which I have written the Congressman before. It is heartening to hear a response promising some action.

Yes, I do have some questions that I ask of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), and I appreciate your offer for assistance in getting answers.

1. Quoting from the NIST fact sheet (August 2006):
Q: "Was the steel tested for explosives or thermite residues? The combination of thermite and sulfur (called thermate) "slices through steel like a hot knife through butter."

A: "NIST did not test for the residue of these compounds in the steel."

NIST qualifies the statement saying they "did not test for the residue of these compounds IN THE STEEL."
Did they test for residues of aluminothermic (thermite-family)
reactions anywhere? Solidified slag? WTC dust? If so, what did they find? If they did not test for such residues anywhere, why not?

2. Quoting again from the NIST fact sheet:

"NIST concluded that the source of the molten material [observed flowing out of WTC2 before its collapse] was aluminum alloys from the aircraft, since these are known to melt between 475 degrees Celsius and 640 degrees Celsius (depending on the particular alloy), well below the expected temperatures (about 1,000 degrees Celsius) in the vicinity of the fires.
"Aluminum is not expected to ignite at normal fire temperatures and there is no visual indication that the material flowing from the tower was burning.

"Pure liquid aluminum would be expected to appear silvery.

"However, the molten metal was very likely mixed with large amounts of hot, partially burned, solid organic materials (e.g., furniture, carpets, partitions and computers) which can display an orange glow, much like logs burning in a fireplace. The apparent color also would have been affected by slag formation on the surface."

The day after reading the NIST fact sheet on-line, on 8/31/06, a group of us performed experiments to test this hypothesis -- that molten aluminum "mixed with large amounts of hot, partially burned, solid organic materials (e.g., furniture, carpets, partitions and computers) ... can display an orange glow," -- and we could NOT see any such orange glow in actual tests.

So we ask NIST to tell us how to do this trick -- how to get molten aluminum when poured out in daylight conditions, as at WTC2, to "display an orange glow."

(Even with organics mixed in with aluminum -- we did actual
experiments to test the NIST statement, and the experiments
demonstrated a silvery (not "orange") flow of liquid material. We observed that the organics tend to separate out from the aluminum, like oil separating from water).

A related question -- did NIST do any ACTUAL TESTS before issuing their Fact Sheet in August 2006, to determine whether molten aluminum "mixed with large amounts of hot, partially burned, solid organic materials" will actually display an orange glow?

3. In the same fact sheet, NIST writes: ""Separate from the WTC towers investigation, NIST researchers estimated that at least 0.13 pounds of thermite would be required to heat each pound of a steel section to approximately 700 degrees Celsius (the temperature at which steel weakens substantially). Therefore, while a thermite reaction can cut through large steel columns, many thousands of pounds of thermite
would need to have been placed inconspicuously ahead of time, remotely ignited, and somehow held in direct contact with the surface of hundreds of massive structural components to weaken the building. This makes it an unlikely substance for achieving a controlled demolition."

But this discussion totally ignores what I say in my paper (see www. Journalof911Studies.com) regarding SUPERthermites,
which are explosive (not just incendiary) and which have high energy density. With the use of ultra-fine aluminum and metal-oxide powders, superthermite-class explosives are made. Can NIST at least acknowledge the existence of explosive superthermites, and that with these explosives much LESS material would be required than with ordinary thermites?

4. Finally, I note from an earlier NIST report that NIST obtained "6,899 photographs" and over 300 hours of video recordings – acquired mostly by private parties – which it admits to holding (NIST, 2005, p. 81). I call for the immediate release of these and all relevant data
for scrutiny by the international community of scientists and
engineers. If there is nothing to hide, why hide these data? There certainly will be no justification for requiring non-disclosure agreements as we look at these photos and videos obtained largely from the public using taxpayer moneys. Evidence relating to WTC 7 (which was NOT hit by a jet) and its mysterious complete collapse must not be held back. I call for the immediate and full release of ALL these videos and photographs.

I would appreciate your forwarding these requests to Utah Senators Bob Bennett and Orrin Hatch so that they may be aware of the actions being taken to resolve these important issues.


Steven E. Jones, Ph.D.

I want to congratulate Dr. Jones

but remain skeptical about this letter getting and results.
I have written to the Senators from New Jersey and neither one responded to my emails about 9/11.

I did the same with my Congressman Steve Rothman. I had received an email from a Kevin Donnelly who indicated that Congressman Rothman asked he to look into the matter for him, as if he was really interested, and included a link to the newly (at that time) released NIST report.
I replied that I would read the report but wasn't qualified to interpret the details and would rely on the opinion of experts such as Dr. Jones and since Mr. Donnelly's email address was in Washington, I also asked if he thought that Flight 77 hit the Pentagon and included a link to the French Website that shows a plane to scale and discusses the alleged crash into the Pentagon. [(http://0911.site.voila.fr/index.htm)]. Mr. Donnely has not responded to either my calls nor emails sent as a follow-ups.

I hope Dr. Jones will be treated with more respect than Congressman Rothman's office treated me.


Yeah. I wrote my Congressman and he never responded to me either. I figured it was still worth the effort though. We aren't going away. That's for sure. The tide will turn. We need to get creative in our efforts to get attention to this.


Does the fact that congress are nothing but a pile of ZIONIST WHORES have anything to do with their intransigence on this issue? Just curious.

Probably has more to do with the fact that Congress are a bunch

of self-serving cowards.

Zionist Whores back next onslaught

[Anonymous above is apparently an apologist of the Israeli, I mean, US congress, since he/she has no analysis beyond the obvious base nature of human nature.]

What should be curious is that there is no mention of the NATO forces currently occupying portions of Southern Lebanon. Do the Israelis expect them to leave? Have the Israelis convinced themselves that it was Hizbollah to started that last war and that they, as always, as Jews, were the victims? It is not a joke to describe the Zionist mindset as a symptom of a serious, advanced mental illness that requires equally serious action on the part of the international community, some form of physical restraint. The problem is that it may be too late to apply the required response and another and far more serious Israeli-launched war may be on the horizon.
-- Jeff Blankfort, author of War for Israel, Left Curve magazine


With Hezbollah war barely over,
Israel perceives threats on horizon
By Leslie Susser

Steven Jones has sex with

Steven Jones has sex with his mother

NIST ignores or is unaware of existing technology

NIST stated that the thermite would have to be "remotely ignited, and somehow held in direct contact with the surface of hundreds of massive structural components to weaken the building."

NIST appears to indicate that the above action is a prohibitively difficult feat. However, one's cursory glance at patent records available in 2001, demonstrate that the technology was readily available. In fact, patents suggest that a substance such as thermite/thermate (if in its non-sol gel form) would be placed at a "stand-off" distance from the subject material to be cut. The remotely detonated substance would cut through the subject material in less than one second (for a non-nanomolecular version).

Jones sucks dick

Jones sucks dick

Dr. Jones Is Doing Great Work

Basically the govt. experts are afraid to debate him.

ps. the 9/11 Truth movement is subject to attacks by "agent provacateurs" to make it "appear" that anti-semites populate our ranks.

This is an indication the Utahns may be waking up..

I take this as nothing other than an indication that Cannon is aware that a lot of people in his District (Utah County) are waking up. The comments section of local newspaper's web site is indicitave of this. Trust me, Cannon would dutifully ignoring Dr. Jones if he didnt' feel pressure from his voters. Keep it up down South!


Actually, most of the

Actually, most of the bretheren I know are alot smarter than to fall for the Al-Queada
propaganda trash you call "truth".

I haven't met any members who haven't been disgusted by Jones's shilling on behalf
of an enemy who has sworn to destroy ours and all other churches but his own.

Today in Al-Queada's mad designs for a global islamic caliphate, wherein all who
do not worship Allah are literally put to the sword, we see a fulfillment of the Book of
Mormon prophecy of a secret combination that would seek to destroy the freedom
of all nations.

The prophet Ezra Taft Benson warned that “If American freedom is lost, if America is
destroyed, if our blood-bought freedom is surrendered, it will be because of Americans"
(April 1968 General Conference). This prophecy has been tragically fulfilled in the lies
of enemy sympathizers like ex-professor Steven Jones.

LDS servicemen from both the US and Canada have given thier lives in this conflict.
May thier families never learn they were betrayed by one they called "brother".

My mother taught me ...

If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all.

Somebody has to stand for

Somebody has to stand for the truth.

And if I don't, who will?

same questions

I wrote my senator (Menedez), pelosi and waxman and ased them the same questions Dr. Jones did. I think we should all ask the same questions, no distractions, no room for doble agents to mix us up, lets stick to the best stuff we have. I would also add in the phoenix and Minnesota warnings and the many military drills being run that day as additions to the list.

1. why no real independant testing for thermates? its easy just do it!
2. what can explain flowing metal minutes before collapse?
3. Under whose orders did Supervisory Special Agents ignore multiple warnings and requests for FISA search warrants (CRowley Memo)
4. Under whose orders were the drills scheduled and co-ordinated?

We need to get organized and talk with one voice!!
we need an elected leader...

Show "Why can't Steven Jones" by MormonJihad (not verified)

I Wonder Why . . .

How many papers about the reichstag fire false flag operation were published and peer reviewed within five years of the event?

How many papers about the Gulf of Tonkin false flag operation were published and peer reviewed within five years of the event?

How many papers about the foreknowledge of pearl harbor were published and peer reviewed within five years of the event?

How many papers about the attack on the U.S.S. Liberty were published and peer reviewed within five years of the event?

How many papers about the Operation Northwoods were published and peer reviewed within five years of the event?

How many papers about the Gleiwitz incident were published and peer reviewed within five years of the event?

How many papers about the Mukden incident were published and peer reviewed within five years of the event?

How many papers about the Operation Gladio were published and peer reviewed within five years of the event?

Think about those and then try to figure out why it didn't happen then, and why we now know the truth about them.


People with virtue must speak out; People who speak are not all virtuous. ~ Confucius

Kindness in words creates confidence. Kindness in thinking creates profoundness. Kindness in giving creates love. ~ Lao tzu

We can often do more for other men by trying to correct our own faults than by trying to correct theirs. ~ Francois Fenelon

Demagogue: One who preaches a doctrine he knows to be untrue to men he knows to be idiots. ~ H. L. Mencken

The first clergyman was the first rascal who met the first fool. ~ Voltaire

Peace is over rated. Any slave can have peace. Just pick the cotton. ~ TheSong


I guess the congress does'nt realize those they are unwilling to investigate for murdering 3000 People along hundreds of thousands offshore will later betray them as well.

Hopefully the Congress will wake up.