Why Don't People Like John Judge?

I got an email the other day asking if John Judge was trustworthy. I know people don't like him because he doesn't think a missile hit the Pentagon, or that the towers, and WTC7 were brought down by Controlled Demolition, but quite honestly, I don't know many people more knowledgeable on the topic.

John Judge and Kyle Hence were two of the first individuals I contacted in this movement. Both have always been helpful with their information, and advice.

John attended all of the hearings, to my knowledge, along with the families. He's worked under Cynthia McKinney. He has contributed several pieces of information to this movement.

Here are just a few examples...

John Judge 9-11 Omission Report
Orkin & Judge Questions and Answers
John Judge Intelligence Agencies

I think it would be very beneficial to at least listen to what the man has to say.

If Judge doesn't think WTC-7 imploded due to controlled...

demolition, that is a red flag to me about him. (We even have those inexplicable remarks from Silverstein, no less.)

so we have to hate people we

so we have to hate people we disagree with now? isn't that what the nazi's and this administration are all about?

if he's down for the cause then let him stick to his strengths.

Not to worry.

Not jumping to conclusions is a good thing. It would be nice if more folks acted accordingly. Establishing facts which can be repeatable demonstrated and stand up to strong scrutiny should be what drives researchers, not some predisposed idea of what they will conclude. Let others practice such deterministic anti-science all they want.

In time the charlatans will be exposed or redeem themselves by acknowledging their errors. Those theories best supported by all of the provable evidence will prevail so long as they are allowed a fair hearing.

Boeing Subsidiary Linked to CIA Torture Flights

Boeing Subsidiary Linked to CIA Torture Flights
New Yorker | October 23, 2006
by Jane Mayer

Bush Signs the Reichstag Fire Decree by Larisa Alexandrovna


Was a story consultant for 9/11: Press For Truth.

"It was all about finding a way to do it. That was the tone of it. The president saying ‘Go find me a way to do this."

I believe in taking what you can get...

and meeting people where they are, etc etc.

But just out of curiosity, do you think he's agnostic on the mechanisms of collapse or does he actually believe the twisted, internally contradictory amalgam of theories and fudged data that comprise the "official version"?

Actually, "letting people stick to their strengths" is a lot closer to what I mean than "taking what you can get."

I don't know...

When I talk to him, I usually talk about other things.

"It was all about finding a way to do it. That was the tone of it. The president saying ‘Go find me a way to do this."


That's not unreasonable. I guess the place I would start questioning someone's motives was if they actively denied explosive demolition in favor of the NIST/FEMA/NOVA/PM dogpile. If he just doesn't want to talk about it and wants to focus on other things, more power to him.

You know dear...

Not everybody endorses Controlled Demolition. I still view it as a "theory" myself. One that I happen to agree with (99%) based on the presentations put forward by several different people, but again, I don't claim to be an expert on how or why those buildings came down. However, I think the individuals who promote that argument have a right to be heard. if for any reason, they are convincing.

"It was all about finding a way to do it. That was the tone of it. The president saying ‘Go find me a way to do this."

Not everyone needs

to endorse "controlled demolition." That's not my point. There's a difference between being agnostic on the subject or even finding the CD theory not convincing and supporting the official version, because the official version is one ginormous logical and physical (in the sense of physics) mind fuck.

In other words, to say 'we don't know how or why the towers collapsed" is different from saying "we know it was NOT controlled (or unconventional, explosive) demolition because the collapses have been otherwise explained by credible entities."

Hunny bunny.


But you are wrong. EVERYONE needs to endorse Controlled Demolition in this movement, or didn't you know? It's in the bi-laws... you must endorse Controlled Demolition.

Go ahead... try to tell someone that Controlled Demolition didn't bring the towers/WTC7 down, and tell me what happens...

It has become like a religion to some.

Sugar plum.

"It was all about finding a way to do it. That was the tone of it. The president saying ‘Go find me a way to do this."


I know where you're at on this, I think, and we're approaching the agree-to-disagree point.

For people who were intially sucked down this rabbit hole by the work of Steven Jones, like myself, someone denying the validity of controlled demolition is going to provoke extreme curiosity. If they say, "I don't think we know how it happened -- I'm not a structural engineer" I'll probably pester them for a while, if appropriate (eg in discussions with my brother, with whom I reserve the life-long right to pester) and then move on to other things. (That's assuming I haven't started with other things, which, in fact, is becoming more and more likely.) If someone says, "No, really, NIST explained it" I'm going to be suspicious. I don't think people like John Judge say things like that, but I don't know.

And yes, you're absolutely right that even declaring agnosticism on the CD theory -- emphasis on THEORY -- is inviting a huge shit storm of forcible re-education here on blogger. I'm surprised there hasn't been more of one in this thread, actually.

I think what it comes down to is that people get very attached to their "red pills." CD is the red pill for a lot of people -- it was for me. Loosening one's grasp on it and holding it as only one among many red pills you have to offer people is scary.

I disagree...

To agree.

"It was all about finding a way to do it. That was the tone of it. The president saying ‘Go find me a way to do this."

the pro-CD meme can be......

.....so oppresive that is eclipses all other research.

i myself have been accused of censoring CD by the tvFakery folk - as if their research even comes CLOSE to the evidence associated with CD.

i myself have been accused of being a shill or infiltrator simply because i produced a film that (gasp) focuses on a different line of research

and when you see people with no technical expertize in an area - sooooo passionate about their beliefs - yet without the technical skills or language or expertize to defend their position.....

they simply do not understand that this is almost the perfect definition of a tin-foil hat conspiracy theorist.

ultimately i decided in favor of CD based on what some of the EXPERTS have said. ultimately it was the conservation of momentum - and the pulverizing of the building's contents - that got me.

but - i almost feel like there is this "fundamentalist" approach to the movement now where people feel like we all must advocate or push the same evidence.

i may believe in CD - but - i am also mature enough to understand my own limitations. i am not a structural engineer or physicist - and i will not PRETEND to be.

CD is STILL the one subject that the media most often uses to make us look silly.

gee - i wonder why?

meanwhile, we have whistleblowers and gag orders and known lies and distortions and unanswered questions that we could DEMAND be answered. people could be Subpoenaed!!!

so i admit - at times when i see young people on the street trying to convince older people that 9/11 was an inside job - and they use CD as their main evidence - i cringe. it is a little embarassing - because i know how rigid and inflexible older people can be - and unfortunately many of these younger people do not make their case with any authority. CD just SOUNDS crazy. even real EXPERTS are being mocked and laughed at. what chance does a KID have of convincing anyone?

meanwhile, the 9/11 commission admitted that they knew NORAD was lying to them.

we still do not know why our military failed to protect us.

no one has been held accountable.

whistleblowers exist - like Lt. Col Shaffer who claim generals were protecting the alleged hijackers.

i have ALWAYS felt that THESE are the most salient and actionable issues for adults and mature minds to grasp. people can understand a coverup and demonstrable lies.

photos of squibs only take you so far.

General agreement, but...

>>CD is STILL the one subject that the media most often uses to make us look silly.

I fail to see how mockery is evidence for or against a stance. It actually shows severe immaturity and strongly suggests close-minded gatekeeping. Let them mock whatever they like. Even a truth can be made to look foolish when you have control of the pulpit.

I think your 9/11 ideology...

Is very similar to my own. Whenever I talk to someone new, I always ask myself, "Will this get someone interested?", "Will this bring someone into the movement?", "Will this make me sound crazy?" As a matter of fact, when I write, it's 99% of the time directed a new people.

"It was all about finding a way to do it. That was the tone of it. The president saying ‘Go find me a way to do this."

Yes, you've got a well developed skill to get people interested

Yes, Jon Gold,

you've got an extremely well developed skill to get people interested with your writings.

However, IMHO, you do not make use it in most of your comments. Only in some.

More than half of your comments leave me back puzzled, thinking "What the **** is Jon Gold trying to tell us here?!?" These are the ones when you just throw us some obscure bone piece with a half-sentence comment, that you respond to with another comment of your own, that in turn you respond to with yet another comment of your own.....

Also, compare these two blog stories of yours:

Please do not consider this remarks of mine evil-minded :-)

I still do highly appreciate your work for these parts that don't have a puzzling effect on my mind :-)


Keep that in mind.

"It was all about finding a way to do it. That was the tone of it. The president saying ‘Go find me a way to do this."


It's possible I've already written on the archives of a thread...

A Fallen Hero

The Horror Continues

Condi's Killer Pen

The threads like the Environmental Disaster are just meant to be archives of everything I've collected. Something that says, "By Jon Gold" is an article where I take some of that information, and put it together the way you like.

"It was all about finding a way to do it. That was the tone of it. The president saying ‘Go find me a way to do this."

and please dont stop doing

and please dont stop doing that dude. your McKinney collection was tremendous.

I consider CD a given

I consider CD a given at this point, but Judge is an excellent researcher. His speech on Tim Mcveigh is legendary. His expose of Jonestown is chilling to the bone.

Jonestown, you say?

Yes, Jonestown. Remember that little episode in the late 70's where 900 (mostly black) people supposedly drank cyanide-laced Kool Aid?

I would recommend you NOT pursue this avenue of research unless you are willing to entertain some very disurbing facts.

MKULTRA did not end with the Rockefeller commission. Nor was it "unsuccessful", as recent declassified docs show.

Do videos...

Of that exist?

"It was all about finding a way to do it. That was the tone of it. The president saying ‘Go find me a way to do this."

Thanks, Jon. :-)

Thanks, Jon. :-)



"It was all about finding a way to do it. That was the tone of it. The president saying ‘Go find me a way to do this."