A Critical Plea To Dylan Avery, And A Call To Action

I had a very bad feeling last night about the upcoming debate on Amy Goodman's show, and 9/11 Truth in general. Although I couldn't quite pinpoint it at the time, now it seems as plain as day. Simply put, The Movement is currently coming under a most vicious, strategic attack by the official storytellers and the powers that be. Let me repeat myself: ladies and gentlemen, make no mistake about it: WE ARE UNDER ATTACK.

This all began over the past couple of weeks, as the disinfo regarding no planes at the WTC started to appear en masse on this site. I've been a regular visitor and contributor to 911 Blogger for a number of months now and I've never seen so much organized commentary on these fringe, unscientific topics prior to this recent period of time. In addition, The Movement has been receiving much press coverage over the past month or so- the vast majority of it highly unflattering and unhelpful.

Virtually every single instance of mainstream media coverage that has covered so-called "conspiracy theories" regarding 9/11, follows this modus operandi:

  • first and foremost, ignore and prevent any mention, whatsoever, of WTC Building 7
  • never debate or give credence, or acceptance, to any of the skeptical points raised, no matter what
  • manipulate and steer discussion away from the 3 WTC building collapses, and towards the Pentagon
  • manipulate and steer discussion away from the 3 WTC building collapses, and towards the ridiculous theories
  • bracket, or lump, valid claims with those that are most speculative and controversial
  • introduce straw men arguments that are easily debunked by the official storytellers
  • whenever possible, invoke emotional viewer response by relating skepticism with the 9/11 families
  • outright mischaracterize the views of the skeptics, going out of their way to take comments out of context
  • always engage in ad hominem attacks, painting the skeptics as out-of-the-mainstream lunatics
  • downplay any expertise or official accreditation that any of the skeptics may possess
  • further disparage the skeptics as having no expertise in civil engineering, architecture, or even scientific thought
  • and:

  • falsely attribute the most ludicrous of straw men arguments to all skeptics under the same umbrella

Unfortunately- very, very unfortunately- the media and official storytellers often receive help in implementing their MO... from the interviewee skeptics, themselves! I cite the complete dearth of any mention of Building 7 as the most notable example of how skeptics appearing in mainstream media reports have inadvertently helped to weaken the veracity of 9/11 Truth- not to mention fail to convince as many readers/viewers as possible that the official story is complete bunk.

You see, the key to winning any propaganda war is to control the points being discussed and to remain acutely aware of your audience at all times. It's not enough to simply raise a number of random points, which you think may bolster your defense. You have to go on the offense, using the most critical and convincing arguments possible to assert to the viewer/reader that you're right and your opponents are dead wrong. The arguments should be terse, elegant and simple, ready for immediate consumption by the masses. After all, these arguments are as much a sales pitch as they are an appeal to human logic. Everything about Building 7, of course, hits upon each one of these points. The dimmest of the people seldom fail to understand it and the brightest cannot refute it- particularly when confronted with video footable of its collapse. A simple interjection of, "What about Building 7??" has the potential to turn the tide of an entire interview. Try it sometime. You'll see.

This all brings me to the upcoming debate on the fifth anniversary of that horrible day. This is simply unprecedented in the history of 9/11 Truth thus far. Now, for the first time ever, one of the most notable figures in The Movement will engage in a debate with the most official of official storytellers, Hearst-controlled magazine Popular Mechanics. The only problem is, I think that very few people seem to understand and appreciate how truly critical this occasion is, and how it stands to either greatly benefit, or severely harm, 9/11 Truth. Every opportunity for debate up until this recent invitation, has been scuttled by the powers that be. And for good reason. When confronted by a skeptic who has extensive debate experience and a healthy command of the English language and the facts, the official storytellers- regardless of who they might be- don't stand a chance. Unfortunately- again, very unfortunately- Dylan, you are not this person.

You've done an absolutely amazing and admirable job in producing Loose Change and awakening more young minds than anyone else to the reality of what occurred on 9/11. Doing that takes a lot of artistic talent and promotional skills, both of which you obviously have in spades. To be perfectly up front and honest, though, your skills of interviewing and debate need to develop- and believe me, they will in time. Don't worry, you're not the only who has room for improvement in these areas. Professor Jim Fetzer, for instance, is a brilliant writer and presenter, but I have yet to see what I would consider a successful interview with him that benefits 9/11 Truth, more than it harms it.

Let me put it this way: this debate would have NEVER been scheduled if the people at Popular Mechanics (and their money masters) had any doubt, whatsoever, of their chance for absolute victory. They figure that their probability of defeat is extremely low and, barring some kind of miracle, I would tend to agree with them. These people fully intend to embarrass and humiliate you, and take down the entire 9/11 Truth Movement along with you by association. They fully intend to replay the most compromising footage of the debate for all to see, again and again ad infinitum. Hell, they may even include it with their book in future editions. This is the modern-day equivalent of brandishing one's vanquished enemy's impaled head on a pike and parading it around for everyone to see. Don't kid yourself. These people won't relent. Ever.

On another disturbing note, you can rest assured that your opponent knows you very well. He knows where you went to school, what you studied, what your grades were, what kind of music you listen to, who your family members are, what your credit record is, who you've been employed by and perhaps even which websites you frequent- just to start. Chances are he knows a lot more than that. In fact, chances are that he's in possession of a complete psychological workup on you. He's studied your media appearances and been coached on what your responses will be to particular lines of questioning. He's most likely a seasoned debater and a salesman who knows how to sway a crowd. But... what do you know about Mr. David Dunbar? That's right: absolutely nothing. NOTHING. That puts you at a monumental disadvantage.

The outcomes of practically all conflicts are determined by information and intelligence. From high school football games all the way up to wars involving millions, these two things are absolutely omnipotent and paramount. Popular Mechanics has stacked the odds in its favor for this debate, especially considering their pathetic showing on radio recently. That actually increases their chances of success, since it makes them appear as underdogs, spurring overconfidence in The Movement. I fear that you have been infected by this line of thinking, which almost always provokes a disastrous outcome. Complacency kills, especially when there exists a profound lack of information on one's opponent.

Seeing as the 9/11 Truth Movement is fighting a WAR here- and the only way to win a war is to choose your battles carefully, plot and execute the most effective strategies, and field your best and most capable soldiers to do the job in concert with one another- I plead with you, Dylan, and call for the very best of The Movement to participate in this debate in your place: either David Ray Griffin, Steven Jones, or Jim Hoffman. There is still much time for a substitution, but this critical decision must be weighed very carefully. Of course, Dylan, if you refuse to allow for such a substitution, then that's the end of it. Just be sure to remember that 9/11 Truth has always been about the truth- not personal glory or self-aggrandisement. We will only win this as a team and, as any successful team knows, some players are more effective than others in particular areas. A wide receiver or running back may truly wish to be the quarterback, but because they accept their roles and excel at them, they make their team- as well as themselves- infinitely better.

I urge you, for the good of our entire effort, to consider my plea. The stakes have never been higher and I fear that a death blow awaits the veracity of 9/11 Truth, if this debate goes badly. What's more, is that it's highly unlikely that another debate like this will materialize again anytime soon. Having a great deal of experience in such areas, I've seen this sort of thing before and am very familiar with this type of strategy and deception. Don't let it be the undoing of yourself and The Movement. Failure is not an option.

Please feel free to contact me at baraka I at I angryforlife.I REMOVETHIS I dotcom so we can discuss this further.

This rocks!!!!!!!!! Thanks

This rocks!!!!!!!!! Thanks so much for this effort. I agree with you 100% -

Grffin, Jones or Hoffman


Avery and plane swapping and fake phone calls and passengers disappearing

If you read the post about

If you read the post about Dylan on Goodman's show, Dylan has commented over there. He's not going to talk about plane swapping or the phone calls. He knows what will work, and what won't.

The tricky part is the debating tactics. The PM guy has his set talking points and goes from that. Dylan is going to have to work his way through the BS and keep coming back to the SOLID facts and unanswered questions, such as WCT7

The other thing I will add is that I've heard Loose Change Final Cut only has 10-15 minutes of footage from LC 2. This means that they are covering different material, not just LC 2 info.

It doesn't matter what Dylan

It doesn't matter what Dylan *wants* to talk about -- the plane swapping et al is already plastered all over mainstream media and his film and he won't be able to just redirect the conversation -- just like he couldn't redirect the TONS of mainstream articles that just trashed us this past week.

He put these positions out to millions of people so he has obviously supported them. That means he has unacceptable levels of BAGGAGE to take him down in a debate.

Lots and lots of baggage

Precisely. They will bring up all sorts of things that either appeared in previous versions of Loose Change, or that Dylan said in interviews. He'll simply have no room to manoeuver. And that's by design. This is a complete setup. An ambush.

This debate ain't about the truth. It's about power. And humiliation. Like I said, don't kid yourself. These people are professionals. Character assassination is second nature to them.
http://tinyurl.com/q9wdl A must-see for the uninitiated: this video will awaken them from their long slumber
http://tinyurl.com/s8rrp A must-read for believers of the official story: David Ray Griffin administers the red pill

plane swapping/fake phone calls/passengers disappearing...

Those are topics for advanced truthers, not for newbies or the merely curious. I think Dylan knows this!

This is a good oppurtunity

This is a good oppurtunity for 9/11 truth to make its mark on many radio listeners, if Avery addresses only the facts, not the speculation about "fake phone calls" or "no plane" which will get us nowhere.

Dylan Avery, make us proud.

Stop giving attention to the "no plane theories" disinfo agents like Nico Haupt, Morgan Reynolds, David Shayler, killtown, and others who are sabotaging this movement, either by sheer stupidity or intentionally as government moles.

* first and foremost, ignore

* first and foremost, ignore and prevent any mention, whatsoever, of WTC Building 7
*never debate or give credence, or acceptance, to any of the skeptical points raised, no matter what

hey there was no-plane @wtc7! and i didn't see one at pentagon nor shanksville either! no planes!

hey i'd like to raise a skeptical point if i may:
i find it hard to believe that the very tips of the wings and tail of what was alleged to be ua175 in the videos that were presented by the mcmedia and recorded for posterity didn't break off against the massive hardened steel perimeter columns of the wtc2, but rather, disappeared entirely into the wtc2 like casper the ghost

i am skeptical of the claim that those images are actual photographic records of an actual plane.
oh god help me i am hurting the movement!

Baraka, you make some very

Baraka, you make some very strong points. And it sounds like you know what you're talking about. I've also been thinking about this lately and have found it odd that they picked Dylan, rather Griffin or Hoffman. And I do think they are trying to take down the movement in one feel swoop...being that Loose Change is the biggest thing out there.

But let me say this...I have confidence in Dylan. I believe that he will rise to the occasion. If he chooses to be replaced by David Ray Griffin or Hoffman. Great. But Dylan is capable of pulling this thing off.

It does seem like they are going for the knock-out punch, but if Dylan pulls this thing out (which I think he will), we will have hit the final nail in the coffin for THEM! By following it up with LC Final Cut premiering at Sundance in January and then into theatres around the country after that, the truth will not be stopped.

But yes, the stakes are high...no doubt about that.

I like Dylan very much...

But he's not the best man for the job. Not by a long shot. Is he an experienced debater? Is he an aggressive interviewee (think Condi Rice here)? Can he manipulate and control an interview or steer debate points? Does he possess a thorough command of the most compelling scientific facts surrounding 9/11? Can he humiliate his opponent, while making a valid point at the same time? Does he have a clear and concise strategy for which points to bring up and which arguments and counter-arguments to use? Does he understand his audience (read: many are over 30 years old)? Does he know how to sway and sell a crowd? Will he be supported by the host at all? Does he know how to deflect ad hominem attacks? Does he know anything at all about his opponent?

Unfortunately, the answer to all of the above questions is NO. It's not about confidence or trust in Dylan. It's all about his ability. And his ability, in these areas- just like 99.99% of the population- is lacking. I wish this wasn't the case. I wish I didn't have to write this long plea. I wish I didn't have to spend a good chunk of my time over the next couple of days convincing people here about the paramount importance of the outcome of this debate. If a failure, which looks probable at this point, it could take 9/11 Truth many, many months to restore its veracity. That cannot be permitted to happen. It just can't.
http://tinyurl.com/q9wdl A must-see for the uninitiated: this video will awaken them from their long slumber
http://tinyurl.com/s8rrp A must-read for believers of the official story: David Ray Griffin administers the red pill


You're right. The answer to all those questions is NO. And it's not about trust. It's about ability. If Dylan can get Hoffman or Griffin to replace, he should. There is no harm in finding a replacement. Maybe it would be a story going into the debate, but all that is going to matter on Sep. 12th is who came out on top.

Substitution a win-win situation

PM is practically forced to attend this debate, whether they like it or not. A substitution will irk them, but I'd be surprised if they cancelled outright. But even if they DID, in fact, have the nerve to cancel, their reason for doing so would be indefensible. After all, the substitution would just be using a tactic out of their own playbook. Plus, they would come out looking like a pack of weak dogs. And Amy Goodman would have no choice but to defend her show and rip into PM. THAT would definitely be a video clip worth keeping. Can you say, win-win?
http://tinyurl.com/q9wdl A must-see for the uninitiated: this video will awaken them from their long slumber
http://tinyurl.com/s8rrp A must-read for believers of the official story: David Ray Griffin administers the red pill


Baraka, any luck contacting Dylan?

If you did, I wouldn't suggest telling us, but I'm presuming that you haven't.

I think you should try and talk to Dylan directly. I'm sure you could get his number through a few different people. I know GeorgeWashington has some good contacts, as well Gold. They could get you the number. Don't stop until you at least hear back from him.

And you're right...it would definitely be a win-win.

DN set up Griffin the last

DN set up Griffin the last time, too, so I wouldn't be at all surprised if they are also setting us up this time by selecting an LC speaker.

Griffin wasn't told there would be a debate format until the NIGHT BEFORE the debate. Then Amy went at him with the 'no structural engineers' comment.

The 'left' is trying to put up a firewall against the CTs to deliver Hillary -- keep troops in Iraq -- into our faces. The same attacks are all over HuffingtonPost, Moveon, etc.

Yes, DN set up Griffin the last & only other time for a truther

It was basically some CIA jerk + Goodman vs. DRG!

stay away from the

stay away from the following: (they are no where near proven, some can even be disproven)

* no planes
* phone calls
* pentagon
* missiles
* ordinance blast
* mossad
* MI6

keep in mind there could have been "real" hijackers financed through pakistan. plus the demolition of course.

start with wtc7 if possible. try not to sway from it. even if they mention the twin towers you can say its irrelevant until wtc7 is solved :)

for wtc7, note:

* fire alarms were disabled in the early morning
* people had advance warning to get out
* fires were minimal
* it was a standarrd demolition (from the bottom)
* okhalhoma bldg had FAR more damage and was still standing
* bring print outs of news articles and pictures

for flight 93 you can point to the crash time discrepancy (10:03 vs 10:06) but dont speculate as to reasons. just say "both cannot be true at the same time" both academics and DOD did seismic studies so it is a strong point.

try to get a hold of 9/11 press for truth. they stick to facts. you'll be safe with that material.

good luck

Calling all scholars, we need consensus!

Recall Icarus, son of Daedalus, who dared to fly too near the sun on wings of feathers and wax? Daedalus had been imprisoned by King Minos of Crete within the walls of his own invention, the Labyrinth.

If you’re jumping off a very high cliff (usually done only once) will you loose your wings or soar like an Eagle?

Make no mistake that these comments are being watched closely by PM this weekend.

Remember, the program host will never loose control of the microphone during the interview and we have all watched the audio cut yet the lips continued to speak.

Whoever does this know that the souls of innocents are with you and so are we!

Calling all scholars, we need consensus.

Recall Icarus, son of Daedalus, who dared to fly too near the sun on wings of feathers and wax? Daedalus had been imprisoned by King Minos of Crete within the walls of his own invention, the Labyrinth.

If you’re jumping off a very high cliff (usually done only once) will you loose your wings or soar like an Eagle?

Make no mistake that these comments are being watched closely by PM this weekend.

Remember, the program host will never loose control of the microphone during the interview and we have all watched the audio cut yet the lips continued to speak.

Whoever does this know that the souls of innocents are with you and so are we!

>>Make no mistake that these

>>Make no mistake that these comments are being watched closely by PM this weekend.

Who probably ASKED to have Dylan to debate . . .

I would say

Ask about when are we entitled to the evidence, when is the american public entitled for the evidence of a crime someone else commit according to the official story, why remove the the tapes around the pentagon in full, and still keep it as a criminal investigation, didn't we just go to war because we had solid proof that al qaeda did and bin laden did it, then why withhold the tapes. Why they confiscated the firemen tapes and released them months after, why would they do such things if they had nothing hide, or the tapes and videos will just make everyone see that it doesn't match anything that was stated in the commision report and official story.

Why would rice would come in public and said they had no idea that they would use hijack airplanes to attack us in such a scale, when they had very good idea that something like that might happen, by warnings of local and foreign inteligence.
Why did they spend more money to investigate Clinton affair and spend significaly less money in the biggest attack against't our nation. Was clinton affair more important? The inside trading the days before 911.

No one can denied that they use 9-11 as a pretext to attack iraq and now there is clearly no proof that alqaeda and iraq had any connection whatsoever. In top of that iraq was nowhere near to develop weapon of mass desctruction, or found any significant materials that would make them a significant threat.

it's so simple

Let's see the Pentagon tapes (from all cameras)and that's it. Nothing there? Bye, bye - otherwise, guess what's next, hmmmm?

Dylan, play off the successful PM interview

Dylan, if you decide not to substitute, at least
bring the recording, audio (or video?), of the
recent host who clobbered the PM guy. Then at
least if your debating tactic is not going as
planned, then you can play the recording and say
"Well how do you respond to that, Jack?!!!".
Even, if you don't actually bring the recording,
at least refer back to it. THIS IS KEY!!!! We
have already won PM, just bring the evidence of it.

Hot topics

On the “live” Richard Syrett radio interview: PM got fused out when challenged about their statement that all hijacker DNA had been found and matched (for all 19) When unable to answer PM promised to “get back” to Richard with the answer (yeah, right) on where the DNA came from to make the comparison.

MY QUESTION: You made this statement,  what is your published source?

Also, PM supposedly was privy to photos that showed the South-side of WTC7 damaged. Syrett asked why he couldn’t see the photos – why?

OK, so you have secret (we can’t see ’em) photos, why did the Murrow Federal Building continue to stand with the entire face blown off? (I am afraid to ask).

Flight 77 - somewhere in Cyberspace (lost the link) someone inserted a perfectly scaled 757 into the frame – guess what? It’s a whole lot bigger! Show this picture - explain this!

Also, explain how to make cell phone calls from 30k feet when the technology in 2001 would NOT allow this.
How ‘bout letting go of all of the Pentagon videos then we can talk!

Ad nauseam from here . . . but, like the old Burger King ads: “Where’s the beef?”

I wonder how much everyone is being paid perhaps from the admitted DOD missing trillions?

I suspect some sort of trap...

I suspect some sort of trap, or Amy Goodman would never have agreed to have Dylan on. Hell, if Goodman really wanted to present truth, why wouldn't she just play Loose Change 2nd Ed. on her show??? (BTW, notice how Goodman doesn't invite Alex Jones on.)

I think Dylan should just stick to the basics like: WTC-7, "pull-it", molten metal under all 3 buildings, no clear video of Pentagon in 5 years, 441-day delay for the investigation, crime scenes violated, Bush/Cheney refusing to testify under oath, and he should also tell everyone to watch Loose Change 2nd Ed. for themselves!

Bring a copy of Operation Northwoods with you...

I think Northwoods is about 13 pages long. It demonstrates that a similar diabolical false-flag was planned 45 years ago! Thank God JFK wouldn't sign it (but that's probably one of the reasons they murdered him).

Thank you Dylan, for your remarkable

...contributions thus far. Please make another one by stepping aside and allowing people such as DR Griffin, Jim Hoffman, or Kevin Barrett, to participate in this debate in your stead. This suggestion is not meant to slight you in any way. There are qualities that can only be gained by the seasoning of time and experience (as have been enumerated in Baraka's fine blog). From what I've seen of you, you're not egocentric, and will seriously consider this and the similar suggestions above.


do what you need to.

if they try and attack you on the fringe info redirect the debate back to the hard points.

definately drive home the embarassing loss to an "agnostic" on the subject, even go over goyettes interview again and see where he cornered him, like why we can't see the same information they have ect. make it about them not you and the debate will be yours.