Take Action January 11

January 11 2008 is the 12th International Day of Truth Action on the Eleventh Day of Every Month until Justice. The day marks 76 months of 9/11 lies and is the 6th anniversary of the opening of the Guantanamo Bay prison camp. Wherever you are on January 11 - join us in united action for 9/11 truth. We're not stopping until justice.

6 Years of Guantanamo Day of Action
Action Networks Groups taking action every eleventh
January 11 Forum Add your location

The Eleventh Day of Every Month

Please Join The World

The world is catching on to the 11th as a truth action day. Now that the movement is international, let us show our support for justice, peace, liberty and truth in America. Please take action everyday but ESPECIALLY every 11th, wherever and whoever you are. Let's come together even more so in 2008 and reclaim our Constitutional Republic and get some justice finally. Never quit.


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Many hands make light work!
International truth action every day, every 11th!

9/11 Truth Signs at New Hampshire Debate!!

Holy Shit. Some fools up in New Hampshire just got some major air time for 9/11 Truth. During the debate they had a camera outside scrolling the political supporters and their signs. Well lo and behold some 9/11 Truthers, hard core I may add, made sure they got their signs front and center. I hope we can get that clip from ABC. It aired at 9pm Eastern in between the Republican and Democratic Debates on ABC. Damn. That cheered me up. Amen guys. Thanks.

One was the classic "9/11 Truth Now" sign made famous by Johnny Wave, the one in black and white. The other was blue and exclaimed "Expose the 9/11 Cover Up". 2008 may be great.

And Every 11th like YT says. Visit www.truthaction.org for more support. Peace.

I saw that too... I'll be

I saw that too...

I'll be out there this 11th...


See you in the streets-!


I hope after 11 months of truth action, people are starting to recognize the importantce of truth action every day and every 11th. Please don't take this day for granted. Make plans to do something to press on for the truth.


"Nothing in this world can take the place of persistence.Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful people with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent. The slogan 'press on' has solved and always will solve the problems of the human race." ~ Calvin Coolidge


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Many hands make light work!
International truth action every day, every 11th!

Bump again


"Onze Bouge" = International day for truth every 11th of the mo

Herblay FRANCE

Bonjour ,

This eleventh of January I distributed 204 tracts as below at my inter-company restaurant. The title "Press for Truth" was well chosen as many persons, while waiting in the queue, read it out aloud, having great pleasure in translating it to their friends non anglophone. I am preparing my colleagues and the people living in the centre of Saint-Denis for the coming up projection of "Press for truth" at "l'Ecran Saint-Denis.
The journalists from the national communist newspaper l'Humanité share the same restaurant as mine and I managed to get in a few words about 911 to old acquaintances. I will hunt out some feed back next week on how my colleagues found my initiative.
I had an email from Paul Rougieux ( from www.reopen911.info ) saying that he was planning to distribute tracts at La Défense Paris the 11th of january. I will edit my entry here later if he has further information to put up or photos. )

Although I put together my tract too late Thursday night to do a perfect job I will developpe this text for next Onze Bouge.

Image Hosted by ImageShack.us

Image Hosted by ImageShack.us

Image Hosted by ImageShack.us

French flyer distributed ( english translation for you )

The "Onze Bouge" each 11th of the month, started in the United States in February 2007, becomes a monthly day for the 911 truth in the world.. France made her first truth day on June 11 2007 in the center of Paris.
The movement for the truth is a little bit everywhere in the world and especially in the United States since October 2001 has advanced in their comprehension of the 911 attacks and expresses more and more doubts on the official version. In the " 911 truth movement " it is generally considered that the three towers (WTC1, WTC2 and WTC7) were demolished by the use of explosives.
The world is on the foot of war for long years informed us George Bush. And now we live under the perpetual threat of terrorist acts. In the United States and in Europe our freedom is being restricted by anti-terrorists and undemocratic laws. Soon any citizen could be arrested and imprisoned for a bad gesture or a word too much. Will the use of fear become a way to govern One reads on the Internet about 911 truthers in the United States: scientists, journalists, architects and others lose their employment because of their awkward questions.
Since months the medias, our political leaders prepare us with a military intervention in Iran. Will the same scenario that they made for Iraq be repeated ?
Join the 911 truth movement.
On the site http://www.reopen911.info / you will find the best American documents and documentary vidéos with subtitles in French on the attacks of the 11th of September 2001.
John MITCHELL mouv4x8@club-internet.fr (11/01/2008)

"Tract français" distributed le 11/01/2008 ===========================================>
The "Onze Bouge" each 11th of the month, started in the United States in February 2007, becomes a monthly day for the 911 truth in the world.. France made her first truth day on June 11 2007 in the center of Paris.
The movement for the truth is a little bit everywhere in the world and especially in the United States since October 2001 has advanced in their comprehension of the 911 attacks and expresses more and more doubts on the official version. In the " 911 truth movement " it is generally considered that the three towers (WTC1, WTC2 and WTC7) were demolished by the use of explosives.
The world is on the foot of war for long years informed us George Bush. And now we live under the perpetual threat of terrorist acts. In the United States and in Europe our freedom is being restricted by anti-terrorists and undemocratic laws. Soon any citizen could be arrested and imprisoned for a bad gesture or a word too much. Will the use of fear become a way to govern One reads on the Internet about 911 truthers in the United States: scientists, journalists, architects and others lose their employment because of their awkward questions.
Since months the medias, our political leaders prepare us with a military intervention in Iran. Will the same scenario that they made for Iraq be repeated ?
Join the 911 truth movement.
On the site http://www.reopen911.info / you will find the best American documents and documentary vidéos with subtitles in French on the attacks of the 11th of September 2001.
John MITCHELL mouv4x8@club-internet.fr (11/01/2008)

Le "Onze Bouge" chaque 11 du mois, commencé aux Etats Unis en février 2007, devient une fois par mois une journée pour la vérité dans le monde. La France a fait le premier le 11 juin 2007 dans le centre de Paris.
Le mouvement pour la vérité un peu partout dans le monde et surtout aux Etats Unis depuis octobre 2001 a avancé dans la compréhension des attentats et émet de plus en plus de doutes sur la version officielle. Dans le "911 truth movement" il est généralement considéré que les trois tours ont été implosées par l'utilisation d'explosifs.
Le monde est sur le pied de guerre pour de longues années nous a bien averti Georges Bush. Et maintenant nous vivons sous la menace perpétuelle d'actes terroristes. Aux Etats-Unis et en Europe notre liberté est entravée par des lois anti-terroristes et anti-démocratiques. Bientôt n'importe quel citoyen pourra être arrêté et emprisonné pour un geste déplacé ou une parole de trop. La peur va-t-elle devenir un système de gouvernement ?
On voit sur l'internet des chercheurs pour la vérité aux Etats Unis : scientifiques, journalistes , architectes et autres perdre leur emploi à cause de leur questions gênantes.
Depuis des mois les médias, nos dirigeants politiques nous préparent à une intervention militaire en Iran. Le même scénario qu'ils ont fait pour l'Irak va-t-il se répéter ?
Rejoignez le mouvant 911 pour la vérité.
Sur le site http://www.reopen911.info/ vous trouverez les meilleurs documents et documentaires vidéos américains sous titrés en français sur les attentats du 11 septembre 2001.
John MITCHELL mouv4x8@club-internet.fr (11/01/2008)
This is the message I had from Paul.Rougieux telling me that he is not yet a member of reopen911.info as I had written and sends me his flyer that he distributed the 11th of January 2008 at "la Défense" the huge business/commercial center west of Paris.

Bonjour John MITCHELL
Merci pour le petit message que tu as placé sur 911blogger.com Mon tractage était beaucoup plus modeste que le tiens. Une petite précision: je ne suis pas "membre" de reopen911 comme tu l'as peut-être laissé entendre dans le message, je participe simplement au forum et à la discution par email depuis 1,5 mois environ.
J'ai posté le tract sur le forum de reopen911:
. http://forum.reopen911.info/viewtopic.php?pid=110548#p110548
. http://img402.imageshack.us/my.php?image=flyerwtc7copiexb8.gif
Il ne parle que du bâtiment World Trade Center 7. Le message à faire passer est peut-être un peu trop compliqué pour être résumé en 2 mots ou "catch phrase":
Si ce bâtiment de grande hauteur s'est vraiment écroulé à cause d'un feu, alors ce serait la première fois dans l'histoire qu'un tel phénomène se produit. Et les ingénieurs et architectes qui dimensionnent de tels immeubles on besoin d'une enquête poussée pour comprendre le phénomène et ne pas reproduire les même erreurs dans leurs constructions.
Or les matériaux ont été entièrement refondus avant même que l'enquête ne soit terminée.

Text in French ===================>
New York, 11 sept 2001
Un 3ième bâtiment s'est écroulé ce jour là.
Il n'avait pourtant été touché par aucun avion et seuls quelques étages étaient en feu. Cependant à 17h20, cet immeuble de 47 étages est tombé en 7 secondes ! L'explication officielle : un incendie des réserves de fuel a causé la destruction du bâtiment.
Ce serait la première fois dans l'histoire qu'un bâtiment de grande hauteur s'écroule à cause d'un incendie. Pourtant l'équipe d'investigation diligentée par le FEMA (agence fédérale des situations d'urgence) n'a pas pu examiner les débris directement sur site et au moment où ils ont rendu leur rapport (mai 2002) les débris métalliques avaient tous été expédiés et refondus.
+ D'informations: http://www.reopen911.info/dossiers.html
« 11 Septembre : Les Points Essentiels de ReOpen911 »
Ne pas jeter sur la voie publique

Text in English ===================>
On September 11th 2001 World Trade center n°7 was neither hit by an airplane nor, apparently, by heavy fallout from the collapse of either of the Twin Towers. If you believe the official story that it collapsed from fires, it would be the first case in history in which fires induced the total collapse of a steel-framed building.
The team that investigated the collapse was kept away from the scene. By the time they published their inconclusive report in May, 2002, the evidence had been destroyed. Shouldn't that have been newsworthy, given its implications for building safety and rescue and firefighting operations? Incredibly, it is difficult to find any mention of Building 7 in newspapers, magazines, or broadcast media reports about the September 11th attack.
More infos: http://wtc7.net
Do not to throw on the public highway.

Thanks for the pics and report!

I missed these earlier but I'm now adding them into the international report on the Actions of January 11. What is the location of your action - Saint-Denis? Thank you for bringing street action for 9/11 truth to France! February 11 is the one year anniversary of the campaign for united action on every eleventh until justice!

The Eleventh Day of Every Month

What a darling pic!

I 've very few warm and fuzzy moments, but here's one of them. ;-)