Satyavira's blog

Ray McGovern : "Has The CIA Gone Rogue?"

Retired CIA analyst Ray McGovern speaking to the Deerfield Progressive Forum

DARPA looking to master propaganda via 'Narrative Networks' -- Sometimes you just don’t know whether to laugh, cry or be alarmed when hearing about what the boys in secretive back rooms are doing in the name of antiterrorism, or homeland security, or whatever else they wish to call it. This time it seems, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), the semi-secret agency charged with coming up with new and cool ways to protect the citizens of the United States from foreign bad guys, wants to hire someone to figure out how vulnerable some people are to “narratives” (oral stories, speeches, propaganda, books, etc. that cause people to think) and then, supplant such messages with “better” messages to head off the path that for such people might lead them to becoming a terrorist.


Russ Baker Calls BS on NBC BIn Laden Death Exclusive

From a piece over at his very excellent, Russ Baker dissects the NBC charade of "White House Exclusive" on the Bin Laden killing. I know Russ has made statements here and there around the web about 9/11 Truth and it doesn't seem to be in our camp....but this kind of reporting has an implicit feeling that he does understand the crime of the 21st century happened in front of our faces and continues.

"The lesson that NBC is kind enough to offer seems to be this: We’re further than ever from having public officials who level with us, and we’re further than ever from having large news organizations that….do actual journalism. (On a tenth of Brian Williams’ salary, WhoWhatWhy could field a whole team of real journalists who ask real questions.) Oh, and one more lesson—that all those people must think we’re really, really, stupid".


THE 9/11 MYTH: State Propaganda, Historical Revisionism, and the Perpetuation of the 9/11 Myth

by Prof. James F. Tracy

In the immediate wake of President Obama’s May 1, 2011 announcement of the alleged extrajudicial killing of Osama bin Laden by US military forces, a struggle reemerged over the official 9/11 myth that major journalistic outlets have been complicit in perpetuating over the past decade. The corporate media’s reaction to the robust skepticism over bin Laden’s assumed execution suggested a great deal about the extent to which they are locked in to upholding the broader 9/11 parable and serving the Anglo-American political-economic establishment and status quo.

John Yoo, Former Justice Deparment Lawyer, Protected From Torture Lawsuit, Rules Appeals Court


SAN FRANCISCO -- An appeals court said Wednesday a former senior Department of Justice lawyer who wrote the so-called "torture memos" authorizing harsh treatment of suspected terrorists is protected from lawsuits.

The 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals tossed out a convicted terrorist's lawsuit filed against John Yoo.

Jose Padilla alleged Yoo's memos allowed for his captors to subject him to harsh interrogation that amounted to unconstitutional torture.

Yoo wrote memos on interrogation, detention and presidential powers for the department's Office of Legal Counsel from 2001 to 2003.

The appeals court ruled that it was unclear at the time whether the interrogation methods Yoo authorized amounted to torture.

The court also said it was unclear whether Padilla, as an "enemy combatant," was entitled to the same constitutional protections as criminal defendants.

The memos have been embroiled in national security politics for years. The memos laid out a broad interpretation of executive power, one the previous administration also used to authorize warrantless wiretapping and secret prisons.

Zelikow memo tars Bush Admin on torture.

A six-year-old memo from within the George W. Bush administration that came to light this week acknowledges that White House-approved interrogation techniques amounted to "war crimes."

"The Bush White House tried to destroy every copy of the memo, written by then-State Department counselor Philip Zelikow. Zelikow examined tactics like waterboarding -- which simulates drowning -- and concluded that there was no way they were legal, domestically or internationally.

“We are unaware of any precedent in World War II, the Korean War, the Vietnam War, or any subsequent conflict for authorized, systematic interrogation practices similar to those in question here," Zelikow wrote. The memo has been obtained by George Washington University's National Security Archive and Wired's Spencer Ackerman".

In an e-mail exchange with Britain's The Guardian newspaper, Zelikow said he still believes the techniques approved under Bush were "wrong" and may have violated U.S. and international laws. He said Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice supported his position.

Body Of Evidence: Osama Bin Laden, Stratfor, WikiLeaks, And Journalism That Isn’t


From Russ Baker's

"Tantalizing but untrue. The back story is revealing about the tragic ways in which the public is jerked around: manipulated and lied to both by the government and by irresponsible critics of the government who benefit from selling fear and scandal. ** The kerfuffle over Osama’s body got impetus recently when the website WikiLeaks began publishing a vast trove of e-mails from the private US security company Stratfor.

They had been obtained by the hacker collective Anonymous and its splinter group Lulzsec. Quite a few of the e-mails are interesting, but one set stood out. They were from the day after the US raid on a Pakistani compound where, we are told, Navy SEALs killed Osama bin Laden, then flew his body to a ship, whence it was dumped in the ocean.

Obama Plays Bin Laden Card In Re-election Effort

Long dead patsy still comes up trumps for establishment

Steve Watson
March 14, 2012

The Obama 2012 campaign has launched it’s reelection campaign by drawing on the mythical version of events played out last year following the supposed assassination of Osama Bin Laden.

The campaign will release a 17 minute video later this week, narrated by hollywood actor Tom Hanks, as an opening salvo in the struggle to win a second term for the president.

An action movie-style teaser clip released yesterday solely highlights the so called Bin Laden raid and features vice president Joe Biden and former president Bill Clinton talking up the event.

“He took the harder and more honorable path,” Clinton says, adding “When I saw what had happened I thought to myself, I hope that’s the call I would’ve made”.

Hindu activists protest production of "Zero Dark Thirty"

Hindu activists protested the production on Friday of "Zero Dark Thirty", Kathryn Bigelow's upcoming film about the alleged killing of Osama bin Laden. AFP reports that members of Vishwa Hindu Parishad, or VHP, disrupted shooting in the north India city of Chandigarh and demanded that any representations of Pakistan on Indian soil be taken down.

H.R. 347 Redress of Grievances Suspended in Proximity to Politicians

"Just when you thought the government couldn’t ruin the First Amendment any further: The House of Representatives approved a bill on Monday that outlaws protests in instances where some government officials are nearby, whether or not you even know it. The US House of Representatives voted 388-to-3 in favor of H.R. 347 late Monday, a bill which is being dubbed the Federal Restricted Buildings and Grounds Improvement Act of 2011. In the bill, Congress officially makes it illegal to trespass on the grounds of the White House, which, on the surface, seems not just harmless and necessary, but somewhat shocking that such a rule isn’t already on the books. The wording in the bill, however, extends to allow the government to go after much more than tourists that transverse the wrought iron White House fence. Under the act, the government is also given the power to bring charges against Americans engaged in political protest anywhere in the country".

White House helps pay for NYPD Muslim surveillance


Via Wall Street Journal


WASHINGTON — "Millions of dollars in White House money has helped pay for New York Police Department programs that put entire American Muslim neighborhoods under surveillance.

Stratfor Glossary of Useful, Baffling and Strange Intelligence Terms

Stratfor is a private intelligence organisation that services governments and private clients. This is a glossary of internal terms and codes used by Stratforn; recently published by Wikileaks.


They Think You're Stupid : OBL Compound Edition


Welcome to "They Think You're Stupid", where tried and true ad hominum's and other soft ball fallacies used since the stone age are used and abused to peddle the unreality of the continuing and impossible offical 9/11 conspiracy. 

Todays's edition comes to us via  the Huffington Post which reads more and more like a State Department Propaganda outlet each day. It seems Pakistan is dismantling Osama bin Laden's compound where he's been hiding and playing video games and watching Alf reruns since his days of defeating the strongest military in the history of the planet.

Lowlights from the article. (my comments in parenthesis).


At 9/11 Memorial, Police Raise Fears of Suicide

From NY Times …there have been a million or so visitors to the memorial since it opened last September, and there have been no suicide attempts. Nonetheless, the police said a plan had been put in place. “We have to think of these possibilities,” Police Commissioner Raymond W. Kelly said in an interview with Esquire magazine. “People might commit suicide. We’re concerned about the possibility of somebody jumping in.” ………. “Our big worry several years ago, in the original design, was terrorism, and now we add suicide to the equation,” said Glenn P. Corbett, an associate professor of fire science at John Jay College, who is advising the Skyscraper Safety Campaign in its criticism of the memorial as inadequately safe and secure. “I think it’s going to happen — a suicide. I think it is an unbelievably emotional site.”

"A Violation of Trust" with Ed Asner

On the February 13 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex talks with film, television, stage, and voice actor and former president of the Screen Actors Guild, Ed Asner. Mr. Asner will play the chairman of a new investigation of the September 11th attacks in the film "A Violation of Trust," formerly "Confessions of a 9/11 Conspirator." The film will pit the 9/11 Commission Report and the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) reports against the work of 9/11 researcher Dr. David Ray Griffin and the scientific research highlighted by leading 9/11 truth organizations, including Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth.

Part 1

Part 2