Jon Gold's blog

Preview Of Upcoming Book "We Were LIED To About 9/11: The Interviews" - Chapter 2 With Mickey Huff

Hi. I'm in the process of getting all of my interviews transcribed so they can be put into a book. Here is a preview. It's Chapter 2 with Mickey Huff. There are some mistakes, but again, this is just a preview.

Announcing In The Coming Months: We Were LIED To About 9/11: The Interviews Transcribed By Request

This is not the finished cover. Someone else is kindly making me one. I know I am looking forward to the release of these.

With Regards To Philip Zelikow, What Qualifies As Suspicious Behavior?

Jon Gold

If you don’t know who he is, Philip Zelikow was the Executive Director of the 9/11 Commission. Paul Sperry wrote, “though he has no vote, (Zelikow) arguably has more sway than any member, including the chairman. Zelikow picks the areas of investigation, the briefing materials, the topics for hearings, the witnesses, and the lines of questioning for witnesses… In effect, he sets the agenda and runs the investigation.”

Listen To What The September 11th Advocates Have To Say

I believe it is essential. Things like "Megan's Law" or the "Amber Alert" wouldn't exist if not for family members getting involved.

A PDF with a collection of many of the September 11th Advocates different press releases from over the years:

Regarding 9/11, What Qualifies As Suspicious Behavior?

This is still needed today.

Related Video - Publicly, Separately, Under Oath, Accountable For Lies

Bush, Cheney meet with 9/11 panel

Cheney ‘cannot recall’ almost anything about Plame outing

9/11 Family Steering Committee Press Release

9/11 Families Start New Project Asking You To Make A Video Calling For The Passage Of JASTA

The September Eleventh Advocate and several other family members have started a new project they call the "9/11 Families' Accountability Video Project." You can go to their page on Facebook here:


August 18, 2016

Dear 9/11 Families, Survivors and American Citizens,

As we face the upcoming 15th Anniversary of 9/11 with no accountability for the murder of our loved ones, we desperately need your help.
Please join us in the 9/11 Families' Accountability VIDEO Project and have your voice heard by President Obama and Congress.

Don't let the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia continue to get away with their alleged funding of mass murder and terrorist attacks. Let's work together to hold the Saudis accountable in a court of law.

We Were Lied To About 9/11 - 4 Part Interview With Paul Thompson

Paul Thompson is the author of The Terror Timeline, a compilation of over 5,000 reports and articles concerning the September 11, 2001 attacks. The book was based on research conducted by himself and other contributors to the History Commons website. Thompson's research in the field has garnered over 100 radio interviews, along with TV interviews on Fox News and Air America and interviews in print, such as for Buzz Magazine. Articles about himself, his research and its reception by the 9/11 Truth Movement have appeared in The Village Voice and Esquire Magazine's "Genius Issue,” and recognition as "an authority on terrorism", even though, "He never studied, trained", as noted by Esquire. In 2005, Thompson was asked to speak at a congressional briefing on the 9/11 Commission’s final report, he addressed what he defined as failures by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD).

Revelations About Prince Bandar And Osama Bassnan?

Jon Gold


Hopefully you’ve heard about the partial release of the 28 redacted pages from the Joint Congressional Inquiry Into 9/11. There are still many redactions throughout the pages.

Here is an excerpt from the pages:

“A CIA report also indicates that Bassnan traveled to Houston in 2002 and met with an individual who was (redacted). The report states that during that trip a member of the Saudi Royal Family provided Bassnan with a significant amount of cash. FBI information indicates that Bassnan is an extremist and supporter of Usama Bin Laden, and has been connected to the Eritrean Islamic Jihad and the Blind Shayk;” - pg. 417

Here is the entry from about this incident which is more descriptive, along with an excerpt from that entry:

The 9/11 Commission Ignored And Censored Whistleblowers

Another reason the 9/11 Commission is discredited.

Using 9/11 To Lie Us Into War

How many people have we killed that had nothing to do with 9/11? Stop ALL of the wars NOW!!!